A Letter From Me to Me

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Hey me,

First I'd like to say that I'm really sorry that you're reading this.

It mustn't have been an easy decision, as decisions go, but I'm sure it's a necessary one.

You know, kind of like that time in second grade when Sal Burrows told us that red hair was a sign of Cancer, and that spider eggs were the only cure.

How many Daddy Long Legs do you think we ate that week?

The worst part is that we never did figure out whether or not he was lying.

That...That was supposed to be a joke. You're going to have to believe me when I say that it sounded a lot funnier before I wrote it down.

Anyway, the point is that we're survivors, and whether we like it or not, this is about survival...

How are we doing anyway?

If you're reading this one, I guess that means we've been making a run at it.

Go us!

You probably don't even remember how many of these we almost opened when you were me. After Dad came home that night, smelling of Gin and not Mom, we would just sit there in the room – hugging that Spiderman blanket – pen knife pressed against the wax seal.

It would have been so easy, but what would have been the point?

Not like we could have done anything to change things.

Maybe you can, but those others? Well, lets just say that I'm glad we decided to write this one. Not sure how much better it'll be, but it couldn't be much worse.

Hey, while I have you here, where do we end going after High School?

Not like I'll remember, but you never know right? Sometimes I have these dreams, they're probably just dreams but...you never know, right?

Please, please, please tell me we go to College somewhere a little bit warmer, and a few thousand miles away from Mom and Step-dud.

That was lame too, wasn't it?

Yea...I bet it was.

I really wish erasers worked on these things...

Are we rich?

What am I talking about? We're not rich, if we were rich we wouldn't be here right now, would we?

Or maybe, we are rich, and that's the whole point!

We wasted our life chasing stocks and bonds and 401ks, and now all we want to do is find true love, or something stupid like that.

That would be just like us, and would explain why you're reading this one. If you're planning on changing your life, this is probably where you would start.

Anyway, we should probably get this show on the road.

You know the drill by now, just say the words, and I'll see you on the other side...

Eram quod es, eris quod sum. 

A Year of Stories (Collection Two)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon