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hi der

|der 🌞|

evie its 3 am

are you drunk?


are you drunk?

|der 🌞|

why are you awake

go to bed.



|der 🌞|

are you okay?


I'm fine. just a nightmare

and i thought you told me to leave you alone

|der 🌞|

shut up.

but seriously are you okay?


yeah it just freaked me out

|der 🌞|
do you want me to stay up and talk with you?


no it's fine
have your beauty sleep
I"ll read some fan-fic and fall asleep
night night hottie toddy ;}

|der 🌞|

you probably fell asleep
goodnight evie



sorry for the extremely short chapter!

my ipad broke so im writing with my laptop (which im not use to)

anyway i just wanted to put a small filler chapter showing derek and evelyn's relationship/friendship so far or whateva

dont worry there will be some develyn action soon (yes ik crappy ship name)

peace and love,


little talks {derek hale}Where stories live. Discover now