Chapter Two

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Kimberly's POV

"This bus is not big enough for the seven us." I said. I was lying in my bunk, attempting to write while the bus was moving. "Yes, it is, Kim." Kian said as he began stripping down. I shut the curtain of my bed. "I do not want to see that." I said and rolled my eyes. "Oh, come on babygirl, yes you dooooooo." Kian said and yanked open my curtain. I was shielding my eyes, thankfully, because I knew he was fully nude and standing in front of my bed. He closed my curtain and began changing. I opened my curtain and hopped out of bed. "How much longer until we get to the fucking airport?" I asked. "Like ten minutes, calm the fuck down, Kim." Sam said. I was anxious, I just wanted to get to Maine so I could get some serious work done. "Why do you want to get to the airport so goddamn badly? It's not like we're gonna be late, we're going through security with only a personal bag each, some of us don't even have personal bags, it'll be a quick trip, trust us." Jc said.

Just then, Jc pulled out a blunt and lit it. "Jc!" I exclaimed. "What? You want a hit?" He asked, attempting to pass it to me. "No, I do not want a hit, whatever the fuck a hit is." I said in pure disgust. "You know how I feel about smoking." I said and walked away from Jc and into the very back of the bus. "Can we just get to the fucking airport already?" I asked quietly to myself.

About ten hours later, we were in Augusta, Maine, and it was only two hours until show time. The clock read 7:00 pm, and the show was at nine. "Where are we going to eat, I'm starved." Connor exclaimed. "Shut up, Connor, we'll get you food eventually." I said with a giggle.

When we reached our hotel room, it was only an hour and thirty minutes until showtime, and we had to be there forty five minutes beforehand so we could get our hair and makeup done. "What do you guys want from room service?" Connor asked, he was holding the menu. "I want french fries and ranch dressing." I said. "OOH! Two orders of those." Ricky said with a smile. Everyone else ordered their room service and it came upstairs within fifteen minutes. "Is there clothes there that we're going to change into?" I asked as I stuffed my face with french fries. "Yeah, our suitcases are on the tour bus, and the tour bus is parked outside the venue too." Trevor said. "Sweet. We have like half an hour, not even." I reminded them.

Three hours later, the show was over and I'm 99.9% sure that all of us were beyond tired. "Is this what our lives are going to be like for the next three months? City after city, ordering room service and being tired out of our minds?" I asked. "Yup, pretty much, and I don't think that stress goes well with traveling, so hush." Jc said to me with a smile. "Oh, I'm not stressed." I said. That was a straight up lie. "Guys, my video won't upload, the wifi is being really slow and it's Saturday, and I post on Saturday's, and it's like one in the morning and I want this video to be up like right now so I don't have to worry about it but guess what? I'M WORRYING ABOUT IT!" I yelled. Jc had a bowl in his hand. "Here, come try this, it'll melt the stress away." He said. I shook my head, no way was I smoking pot. "Here, I'll show you." Jc and came to sit next to me. "You hold this little hole with your thumb, press your lips on this part, light it up here, inhale, suck the smoke into your lungs, and exhale." He said, then did it to show me exactly how. "I don't want to smoke, Jc." I said and pushed his hands away. "I'll light it for you so you don't have to do it." He said. I shook my head. "You'll warm up to the idea." He said and went back to the spot he was sitting in prior to showing me how to smoke from a bowl.

It was two am, and my video was only forty seven percent uploaded. No one was up besides me and Sam, someone I trusted more than anyone I knew. "Sam?" I asked. "Yeah, Kimmy?" He asked in return. "Give me that thing that Jc was smoking out of earlier." I requested. Sam handed me the bowl and a lighter. "I need weed." I said and shook Jc awake. "Yo, Jc, lend a girl some bud." I said and his eyes got wide. "You're gonna try it?" He asked. "I need stress relief, and this is going to give it to me." I said. I sat next to Jc and he lit the bowl for me. I inhaled and exhaled, then coughed up a storm. "Oh my god! That's nasty!" I screamed and gave the bowl back to Jc. "Sorry, Kim, I thought you'd like it." He said and hugged me. "I'm just really stressed. I'm gonna go take a walk. Sorry I woke you up." I said and hugged Jc back. He lit the bowl and took one more hit then went to bed. "You sure you wanna walk alone?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I need to clear my head." I said and grabbed my phone. "Alright, see you later. Here's the room key, I might be out by the time you get back." Sam said and handed me a silver key.

I walked around the entire hotel, I must've been gone for hours. I didn't get a text or call from Sam, or anyone else for that matter, and I didn't exactly know where I was. I looked around, and continued walking. I couldn't tell where I was or what floor I was on either. I unlocked my phone, and realized it was five am. I took a corner and then went down a long hall, not knowing where I was going. Then, I hit a dead end.

I was lost.


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