What are the odds?

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"Lydia what are you doing here?"

"Early start program..What are you doing here, thought you didn't do the whole 'school' thing"

"My sister convinced me that I should." I smiled "It's really good to see you."

"You too..are you leaving?"

"Yea this isn't really my thing." I shrugged

"Surrounded by hot guys isn't your thing." Her eyebrow raised

"That part is nice but I'm still getting used to having so many people around." Seriously hate crowds

"I'll come with you." She puts her drink down

"You don't need to really...enjoy yourself."

"If we're sharing a school might as well try and rekindle our lost friendship." She takes my arm and we leave.

We head over to her dorm, she has a single..lucky her. Feels nice to hang out with a familiar face.

"How's Stiles and Scott?"

"They were fine last time I spoke to them. Scott's sad because Kira left with the sand people and Stiles...well he's fine." She lays down

"Kira...left with sand people?" What

"Yea..it's like a learning thing for her or something." She shrugged

"Where's Malia?"

"Malia went to travel, said she didn't want to start school again so soon."

"I probably should've done that." Away from crowds and school work.

Lydia stops talking for a second. "Do you hear that?"

I listen closely, but I don't hear anything unusual. "Hear what?"

She blinks as if she were getting out of a trance. "Nothing never mind. Let's get some food." She smiles and hops off her bed like nothing happened. Oh boy here starts the weird.

Had to cut my bonding with Lydia short since we both have class tomorrow. I was hoping it never started but here we are my first day at an actual school. I should get some rest.


"Hey Lydia how was the party."

"It was ok, Melody is here found that a bit shocking, but we spent the day hanging out."

"At least you're not alone anymore."

"I heard the singing again today, she didn't hear it

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"I heard the singing again today, she didn't hear it."

"Did you tell her you're hearings things ? I mean she can help it's not like she doesn't know what you are."

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