Chapter 18 - Kakashi Finds Out

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I sat alone, in the hospital room, looking at my flat stomach. It wouldn't be for much longer, I thought, sighing. I couldn't believe it. I was pregnant, I was going to be a Mom...

It had been nearly a day since the doctors had told me the news. And I was already worrying about what Kakashi would think.

Did he even want to be a Father?!

I'd worried about what he'd say, what would he think when he got home and I wasn't there?! Neva had noticed that I was tense.

'Emi, are you alright?' she asked worriedly, when the doctor had left. Kira was talking to the doctor outside my room, so it was just Neva and I in the dull hospital room.

'I don't know what to do, what will Kakashi think when he gets home and I'm not there!?' I sighed. Kira suddenly returned.

'You don't need worry, Emi-chan,' she smiled. 'I'll wait outside your apartment and when he turns up tomorrow, I'll bring him straight here, alright?'

'Kira, thank you,' I smiled. I told her the apartment and began to describe Kakashi to her.

'Don't worry, I've seen the guy around, besides, I know a Hatake when I see one,' she smirked, and waved before leaving.

Neva stayed with me the whole night, staying up with me, telling me stories and talking about herself.

'I was never really cut out to be a ninja, unlike Kira. She was just naturally skilled in all the arts of ninjutsu. Unlike me. She went on to do great things for the Leaf, but then again, so did I! I used to help make weapons before the store. My parents left it to me, since they knew it was all I had left to fall back on, and then Kira came home and helped me run the store too, providing for us both,' she smiled.

'That's quite cool,' I smiled weakly. Neva nodded and smiled. She began yawning.

'It sure is late, now. Are you not tired yet?' She asked yawning again. I nodded and yawned too.

'I guess I am,' I admitted. We both settled down for the night. There was a sofa bed in the corner of the room which the nurses had set up for Neva. She turned out the lights and we both drifted off into sleep.


The sun-light faintly peered in through the curtains. My eyes flickered open and for a moment, I was dazed, and had no idea where I was. Suddenly it all came flooding back, and I put a hand on my flat stomach. I breathed out, sighing as I did, and glancing around the room. Neva was still asleep on the sofa bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning and stretching. Birds were singing cheerfully outside. I turned onto my side and began twirling short strands of hair.

'Morning Emi-chan,' Neva yawned. I looked up and saw her rubbing her eyes. I smiled.


'How you feeling today? Hungry?' she asked, stretching her arms up.

I nodded.

'A little. But I still can't believe it,' I laughed. Neva smiled.

'Well, no worries. I'm sure Kira will bring Kakashi along later,' she smiled.

'His mission ends early, if I were at home, he'd be back by the time I'd woken up, like he normally is,' I said. Neva smiled.

'I'll go and see if there's anyone in charge of breakfast, wait here Emi,' Neva said, jumping up and pulling on a jacket and some sandals. She opened the door and left me to my thoughts. I sat in silence for a while, keeping myself to myself.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and Kakashi ran in, followed by two flustered nurses. Kira burst in afterwards, huffing and breathing heavily.

'Sir! You must wait in reception!' one sighed.

Kakashi ignored them and rushed to my bedside.

'Emi? Are you alright? Tell me what happened!' He demanded. I blinked, surprised.

'Sir, we must urge you to return to reception and wait! It's too early for our patients to have visitors!' the other nurse huffed. Kira pouted and narrowed her eyes. She came up behind the two nurses and put her arms around their shoulders. They jumped but Kira smirked.

'Let's leave these two to themselves for a few minutes, okay?' she said in an upbeat tone. The nurses didn't have time to protest, as Kira had already led them towards the door. As soon as they were gone, I turned to Kakashi.

'What's wrong Emi?!'

'Calm down, Kakashi, I'm fine, I promise,' I told him, taking his hand in mine.

'No, no you're not Emi! You wouldn't be here if you were!' he yelled. I looked down, frowning.

'Kakashi, there's something important that I need to tell you,' I said, still looking down.

'What is it Emi?' he asked. I looked up.

'Kakashi, I'm pregnant, you're going to be a Father,' I said.

'A Father? Me?' He gasped. I nodded, smiling.

'Me, a Father,' he laughed.

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