Chapter 14 - Aya

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'We're here to escort Emi Funkai back to the Sand Village with us, orders from Gaara. Is she ready?' The stranger with face paint and cat'a ears asked. I stood behind Tsunade and listened.

'She is, but she has requested that a certain Jounin is to accompany her,' Tsunade answered for me.

'Who would that be?' Asked the pig tail girl.

'Kakashi Hatake,'

'Fine, is he ready?'

'He's been taken off of missions and teaching duties for this, he's been told to wait at his apartment and wait for further orders. Emi knows the way there, right Emi?' Tsunade smiled. I nodded.

'Hi, I'm Temari, and this is my brother, Kankuro, nice to meet you Emi!' Pig tails smiled at me. I nodded and grinned back.

'Alright, let's get moving. Thanks Lady Tsunade,' Kankuro waved and bowed. We left after Tsunade wished us well and went to get Kakashi. I'd misse him a lot, I hadn't seen him for nearly two weeks, since when I'd found out that Aya was still alive. I lead the way and went to the door. I knocked, slightly nervous. Kakashi opened the door and before I could say anything, he had me in his arms.

'Emi, I was so worried about you! Where have you been?' He asked.

'Away, thinking. I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was okay, but I came here to ask you a favor,'

'Yes Emi, anything,' he said, giving me that closed eyed smile.

'I'm going to the Sand Village, to meet Aya, will you come with me? I really would love you to come, I-I need you to come...' I blushed, looking down.
Kakashi's face softened and he nodded.

'Sure, I'll come with you Emi,' he said. I threw my arms around him and smiled.

'Thanks Kakashi,' I whispered.

We waited for him to get ready before leaving the village. The others started running all of a sudden and I struggled to keep up. Pretty soon, they were in the forrest and they took off, literally! I stopped, shocked.

'Wait up!' I called. They must've heard me and realised that I wasn't with them, so they came back.

'Emi, you can run on chakra can't you?' Kankuro asked, raising one eyebrow. I shrugged.

'I don't know,' I admitted.

'This'll take forever,' Kankuro sighed.

'Kankuro!' Temari growled. 'Emi, is there any way you can run faster?' She asked. I thought about it and grinned.

'Yeah, there is!' I grinned. 'Just give me a second,'

I was an ace at this now. I shape shifted into my dog form, and made myself a bit bigger and taller. They all stared at me, their eyes wide.

'Okay, I'm ready, I'm faster in this form,' I grinned, baring my teeth slightly. I took off running, jumping up on branches with ease.

'Okay, so which way?!' I called. Temari caught up with me and lead the way. Soon we were all running and found myself running on chakra. This wasn't so hard. I stayed with Kakashi.

'Emi, you learnt how to control it? That's amazing,' he smiled at me. I nodded, smiling back. We'd been running for a while now, and we were all talking to each other, me mainly talking with Kakashi, and the two siblings talking together. At one point, I overheard Temari and Kankuro talking which made me nervous.

'You really think that she's related to Aya?' Temari asked.

'Pft, doubt it. She looks nothing like Aya,'

'But she can do the dog thing like Aya can, that's definitely proof. They must be from the same clan, Funkai, I believe,' Temari argued.

'I doubt Aya will know her, if you ask me, this whole thing is a little strange,'

I felt a twist in my gut and I was suddenly unsure. Kakashi glared at Kankuro and turn to me, smiling softly.

'Don't listen to them Emi, everything's going to be fine, I'll be with you all the way, I promise,' he smiled. I wanted to hug him but it was a bit awkward when you're running through a forest, now into a desert wasteland. Kakashi turned to me again, blushing a little.

'Emi, I have something important that I want to ask you,'

'Yes?' I asked.

'When we get back to the Leaf, would it be okay if know, treated you to some ramen over at Ichiraku's one night?'

I nodded, blushing and smiling.

'Really? That's great. Thanks Emi,' he grinned. I nodded and kept on running. Suddenly Temari and Kankuro stopped. Up ahead was a giant sort of gateway, made from two giant sand cliffs. Beyond that was a village. Temari turned, smiling.

'We're here Emi, welcome to Sunagakure,' she smiled.

I shifted back into my human form, getting a couple weird looks from some villagers passing by, before the siblings lead the way an took us through the village, and towards what looked like the sand version of the Hokage building back home in Konoha.

'This way,' Kankuro muttered. We entered the building and lead to wait outside an office.

'Wait here,' Temari smiled, and her and her brother left us.

'Is this the Hokage of the Sand Village?' I asked Kakashi. Kakashi chuckled to himself.

'What's so funny?' I asked, going red.

'You are!' He laughed. 'It's kind of like that, same roles but different name. We're about to meet Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage. He's Naruto's age,'

'Wow, really? So anyone can become Hokage or Kazekage at whatever age?'

'Kind of, I guess,'

Suddenly the door slid open and a boy a bit taller than Naruto opened it. He had "love" on his forehead, just above his left eye. He looked at me and I thought I saw him smile a bit.

'Emi Funkai, is that correct?' He asked, his voice deeper and easier than I expected for someone of Naruto's age. I nodded, standing and bowing my head.

'Come in,' he said waiting for us to enter. Kakashi followed me in and the Kazekage gestured for us to sit. We sat down and waited.

'I'm Gaara, and I was the one who sent for you. I heard about you from Tsunade recently. Aya doesn't know about this though, I think she'd prefer a surprise. You'll be taken to her home, she's due back from her mission with her squad in an hour or so. But you're welcome to stay in the Sand as long as you want,' Gaara finished.

We were lead out of the Kazekage's office and to our own temporary home. It was small, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a small lounge. I went into my room after calling dibs which left me with some laughter from Kakashi.

I spotted the wardrobe and went to look inside, curious. Ever since I'd returned to my human form after the Leaf was attacked, i'd lived in hospital clothes, some of Kakashi's shirts, my trackie bottoms and some tattered Nike high tops. Kakashi had been busy with missions and I was busy doing nothing to go shopping for new clothes. So you can imagine my relief when I found clean clothes in the wardrobes and drawers.

I found some things to work with and managed to put a decent looking outfit together. I put on a plain, light blue shirt with long sleeves, and the sleeves may've been a little too long but I could always roll them up. I put on some shorts and found a long cloth wig I tied around my waist and used as a belt, leaving one end long. I ditched the high tops and swapped them for some black sandals. Too hot for sneakers and socks here. But before I left the room, I pulled up my shirt and looked at my chest and stomach. The knife and bullet wounds had left thick ugly scars, they were strangely sore so I found some bandages and wrapped them around my chest and stomach.

Leaving my room, I went out into the lounge where Kakashi was sitting.

'Does this look okay, Kakashi?' I asked nervously. He stared at me and I went a dark shade of scarlet.

'Okay, I'll go change,' I said turning to leave.

'No Emi! It looks really nice, in fact it's better than nice, you look wonderful,' he said, jumping up.

'You're sure?'

'Positive,' he said giving me a closed eyed smile. I grinned and slumped down on the couch. Kakashi sat down opposite me.

'What if she hates me?' I whisered to myself, looking at the floor. 'What if she doesn't know who I am? What if she doesn't want to know me?'

'It'll be alright, no matter what happens, okay? Trust me,' Kakashi smiled, taking my hand in his and squeezing it. I did trust him, with all my heart, no doubt at all.

We were soon visited by Kankuro, and I'd hoped that Temari would be with him, but she wasn't, which was a bit awkward for me. I wasn't sure the cat-eared-puppet-boy liked me very much.

We arrived at a small house, just on the outskirts of the village, there were few other houses along here too.

Kankuro lead us to the door and knocked. I stood behind him, with Kakashi at my side. Without thinking, I reached for Kakashi's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back and smiled at me as the door opened.

'Can I help you, Kankuro?' A voice asked.

A brown haired Shinobi stood at the door, he looked pretty normal, except from the scar on his left cheek. Other than that he wasn't half bad looking. He wore a headband like Kakashi's but with an "I" on it, at least it looked like an "I".

'Hikaru, is your wife back yet?' Kankuro asked, folding his arms. Hikaru shook his head.

'Not yet, but she's due back any minute, why don't you all come in?'

We all went into the house and were offered a seat.

'You brought Kakashi Hatake, and who might this be?' Hikaru asked, smiling at me.

'It would be easier to explain everything when Aya gets here,' Kankuro told him. There was the sound of the door handle turning and Hikaru jumped up.

'That'll be her now,' he smiled, rushing to the door. I bit my lip nervously as the door opened. In came the young woman who I immediately recognized as my twin sister. She had long black hair with white tips, unlike me since mine was the opposite, same facial features, though Aya was more curvy than me. She was wearing a dark cloak and appeared to have one arm all patched up and in a sling.

As soon as Aya saw Hikaru, she threw her arm around him and hugged him tight. He hugged her close too, but careful of her injured arm. They slowly pulled away and shared a quick kiss.

'Kids, Mommy's back!' Hikaru called. Suddenly, two kids came running into the room, cheering and laughing.

'Mommy, Mommy!' They yelled, running up to her and throwing their arms around her. One was a little boy with brown hair like Hikaru, he must've been about 7 or 8 and the other was a little girl, about 4 and she had blonde hair.

'Saru, Kaara, my two babies, I've missed you so much!' Aya laughed, kissing them both on their heads. I smiled and felt my heart ache a bit. I really missed being a part of a family.

'Aya, honey, welcome home,' Hikaru smiled.

'Thank you honey,' Aya smiled.

'Honey, we have guests. Kankuro brought along Kakashi Hatake and another young girl, who looks a lot like you...' Hikaru said, nodding at us. Aya looked at us and the smile on her face soon disappeared.

'W-Who's that?!' She asked, pointing at me. Inside, I felt an agonizing pain but I kept on smiling.

'Hey there Aya, it's me, Emi,'

'Emi? Hold on, I'm sorry but are you really Emi? I could've sworn that you were...oh my gosh, Emi, that really is you, isn't it?' Aya said, her eyes widening. I nodded. We just stared at each other in silence.

'Hikaru, honey, this is......this is my little sister, Emi,' Aya whispered.

Saru, Kaara and Hikaru all looked at me. I felt a bit awkward for a moment before I was embraced by Aya. She threw both arms around me, almost as if she'd forgotten about her injured arm.

'I can't believe it's you Emi, I've really missed you,' Aya mumbled. I put my arms around my sister and hugged her back. I hadn't had a hug from my twin sister for 16 years, but this was worth the wait.


^^ here's an extra long chappy for you guys to enjoy. I'm feeling really pumped as I entered both Beyond Konoha - Different Dimensions and My Master, Kakashi Hatake into the Naruto Watty Awards.

Beyond Konoha didn't come anywhere but My Master, Kakashi Hatake came first in the Kakashi category! >.< I had no idea you guys liked it that much! Thank you so much for voting!

So as a little present for you all, there are plans for a sequel of My Master, Kakashi Hatake. Would you guys like that? A sneak peak for the sequel will be posted after a few chapters, since you'll need the next few chapters to use as clues for the sequel...let me know in the comments what you think the sequel will be about ^^

Until then, arigato readers and stay awesome! ~Georgie ^^

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