Chapter 10 - Tears from the Past

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Emi's POV


I sat upon the roof of Kakashi's apartment looking out at the sunset. My eyes were heavy and I fet like I was going to pass out. Yet the pinky, orange sky with purple-y, blue clouds kept me awake by its beauty. A soft breeze blew and my long white and black hair began flowing in the wind. I sighed. I'd always hated my hair longer than my shoulders, it was too much to deal with. I looked at the roof where I was sitting and noticed sharp slabs of slate that had come away or had yet to be attached. The village still wasn't finished but it was back on its feet for now.

I picked up the slate and gently brushed my finger along its sharp edge. I flinched as the sharp rock pierced my skin and crimson liquid spilt out. I wiped it away and ignored the throbbing in my finger as I brought the slate to my face. I took strands of my long hair and began cutting it. My hair blew away in the wind and was carried into the sunset, disappearing with the sun. I put the slate down and closed my eyes, hugging my knees. By now, my broken leg had pretty much healed, I only had a temporary splint to help support it and my ribs were still heavily bandaged, but other than that I was nearly fully recovered.

'Emi,' a voice came from behind me. I didn't turn, I nodded instead.

'Master,' I replied. Kakashi chuckled behind me and appeared next to me.

'Can I join you?' he asked. I nodded again and he sat down. There was silence as we both looked out into the evening sky

'You don't need to call me that anymore, Emi,' he said eventually.

'I guess. Old habbits die hard,' I sighed. Kakashi smiled to himself.

'But I won't ever treat you like that again, I'll be damned if I do, Emi,' Kakashi said seriously now. I frowned and turned to face him.

'You took me in, you trained me and gave me strength. I don't care what you say, you're my master, and my loyalty lies with you and you only,' I huffed. Kakashi sighed.

'Well, what I really came up here to say is that we need to leave,' he said, standing up again.

'Huh? Where?' I ask as he holds his hand out to me.

'To see the Hokage. She's requested to see you personally,' he grinned. I took his hand and he helped me up.

'Really?' I asked. Kakashi nodded. 'Okay, I guess we should go then,' I said, looking down at the roof top below us. After that, it was only a small jump to the ground. I stepped forward slightly and was ready to jump down when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'You're not serious, are you Emi?' he asked, raising an eyebrow.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Your still recovering and you don't know how to use your ninjutsu yet. We don't even know if you can use ninjutsu yet! I'm not going to let you risk it, that would be careless,' Kakashi lectured. I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself, jumping down.

'Emi!' Kakashi yelled. I landed smoothly, careful not to land with much pressure on my injured leg or do any further damage to my ribs. I glanced back up and grinned at a worried Kakashi. I turned and jumped down again, landing with ease.

Kakashi leapt down quickly after me and appeared in front of me.

'Emi! Are you hurt? Did you fall? Is anything aching or hurting? Emi?' He asked worriedly. I laughed weakly.

'I'm fine honest. I thinkI know my own weaknesses,' I reassured him.

'Right, well then,' he said, looking at the ground.

'Should we go then?'

'Sure,' he sighed, leading the way.


'So you're the famous Emi that I've heard so much about, hmm?' The Hokage smiled, looking me up and down.

'Yes, that's me,'

'Nice to meet you, I just called you here because I wanted to get to the bottom of some things, is that okay?'

'Yes, Lady Tsunade,' I answered.

'Good, lets start with your full name, your family background and how you came to be in Konoha,' she smiled.

'My full name is Emi Funkai, and I'm 22. My family background...' I trailed off, looking at the floor.

'Is something the matter?'

'No, sorry, I just...well I was very close to my parents, they loved me a lot, they were kinda overprotective of me, but I can't really blame them for that. I was all they had left. When I was 7 years old, my twin sister, Aya, lost her life in an accident...well I say accident but it wasn't really anyone's fault, apart from Nature's. She'd not been well for a while and she had to keep going in and out of hospital, until one day, she never came home from hospital, she fell asleep and didn't wake up. It took Mom and Dad a while to take it in but for me, it was a different story. I never wanted to speak of Aya again, in fact, this is the first time I've spoken about her to anyone for 16 years...' I whispered as the tears slowly trickled down my face. The Hokage stood up from her desk, walked round to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

'I'm sorry for your loss, and you don't have to say anymore, I'll collect the rest of the information from Kakashi, you go and wait outside, get some fresh air and come back to us when you're ready,' she said, leading me out and handing me some tissues.

I waited a while outside, thinking to myself about Aya. I'd sworn to myself that I'd never talk or think about her again since the day I realised she was gone forever. I finally pulled myself together and returned to the Hokage's office.

'Emi,' Tsunade smiled. 'I hope you're feeling a bit better, Kakashi has told me everything and you're not to worry, if you're ready, Kakashi will take you home now,'

----------Kakashi's POV-----------

We sat in the lounge back in my apartment, Emi and I. She sat at one end of the couch, wrapped in blankets and eating some instant ramen, while I sat at the other end, watching her.

'Emi...' I started. She looked up and put down her ramen.

'Master?' She asked. I sighed and smiled under my mask and looked her right in the eyes.

'How did she-'

'My sister had organ problems. Aya died when a surgery went wrong,' she answered sharply, looking down.

'Oh,' I mumbled. 'I'm sorry, she must've been a lovely you,' I said. Emi looked up, the tears streaming down her cheeks.

'She was, but she was nothing like me, she had a lot going for her though, young and talented, but she gave up, she gave up too fast, and that's what cost her her life. I remember she told me the night before she went in for that surgery. She said "You know Emi, I'm tired, of everything, Mommy and Daddy keep giving me all this attention, a you're always left out. I'm tired of that. I want to go to sleep, and not wake up, I want you to be happy Emi, I love you more than anything sissy, I want you to let me go to sleep, please Emi..." That's what she said, and that's when I realised she'd given up,' she cried.

'Emi, don't cry, I hate it when girls cry,' I said sadly. I leant forward and pulled her into a hug. She didn't try to resist, she just let go and soon she stopped sobbing. Her breathing was heavy but slower, and I felt her relax in my arms. I realised she'd fallen asleep and I leant back and just held her, drifting off too...


Hope you likey, sorry for slow updates but now you know a little bit of Emi's past ^^

My Master, Kakashi HatakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora