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Those are the words that kept on ringing in Alma's head over the past few weeks.
"How could you?"
"How could you do this to me, Alma?", her mum had screamed.
Her dad had promptly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. His blood pressure rose to the roof and everyone was scared.
"If anything should happen to him Alma,it will all be your fault. Just pray that he does not die", her mum had added while rushing off to the hospital with the ambulance.
How was Alma to predict such a horrendous turn of events? Never in her wildest dreams would she have believed her mum capable of such words.
A year ago,Alma was a happy girl ,full of positive energy and ready to take on the world.
Fresh out of the University,she had just gained employment at a prestigious media outfit and was thriving; all was well with her world.
Until She met Samuel and everything changed. Within the space of four months,her world was turned upside down and irrevocably changed forever.

Dear readers,this is my first draft of this novella. Please read,vote and leave your comments because they will be highly appreciated. If I get up to a hundred votes,I will put up a better and meatier version of this story. Thank you and drop your votes.

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