Secret of Simon's company

Start from the beginning

                        Simon's office

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                        Simon's office

I sat at the desk and turn on his computer.
If someone see me right now I am probably dead.
"I need a password? Oh cmon Simon!"
I started thinking what would I chose for password if I was Simon.
I typed 'Simon Cowell' and pressed ENTER.
It is not correct. Of course it's not, it's too easy. Oh Kendall think! You can do it. "Let's try one direction!"
It was not correct.
"Simon what the hell did you choose for the password?!?"
I opened one of the drawers and started looking for a password. There is nothing. Just some important papers for Simon.
I opened the second drawer. I was really surprised. There was a lot of pictures of Hailey and Niall, me and Harry. What the hell is Simon doing with our pictures? Is he stalking us or what? Something isn't right!
I took a few photos of it with my phone. And I took, actually I stole one picture of me and Harry and put it into my bag.
I opened the last drawer and I got a mini heart attack. I found a gun. I took a picture of it with my phone.
"Simon what is going on with your life?"
I still don't have that damn password.
I looked under the desk. I don't have so many time!
"Damn it! Where the hell is this password?!" I don't know why I am talking with myself.
Then I saw an award on the desk, it was from 2016. I remember this award, boys won it for the best fandom.

Wait! When I walked in his office I saw a showcase with awards. I walked up to the showcase and I opened it. There were all awards except one! And that one was on Simon's desk, but why? Why would Simon have this one on his desk and not in a showcase where others awards are?

Then I got an idea. I ran back at the computer.
I typed 'MusicAward2016" then I crossed my fingers and pressed ENTER.
Password was correct "Hahaha yaaaaas I hacked Simon's computer!"
I took my USB key out of my bag and put it in the computer. I started copying datas on my USB key. " What? It will take me five minutes to copy this on my USB key? I don't have five minutes!! Well, I hope it's worth it!"
I was waiting for 2 minutes and I started sweating. I was so nervous. What if Simon or someone else walk in the office? How I am going to explain this? Well, I have no idea.

All datas were on my USB. I turned off the computer when someone walked in the office.
It was a woman with brunette hair. She was wearing black glasses, tight pink dress and black high-hells. Her hair were made in elegant bun. "Who are you?" She asked
Oh no I am dead. " Hi! I am Lauren and I am Simon's secretary."
"Ha that's funny, because my name is Lauren and I AM his secretary." She responded.
Her name is Lauren? Where did I get this name!?
" Oh I am his new private secretary. And because now you know about me you can lose a job, do you know that?" I said
"What? No please no!"
" Yes I am sorry! You will lose a job if I tell Simon!"
" No please! I am single mother and I have two kids! If I lose this job I will lose my kids! Please don't tell him." She started begging.
"I am not gonna tell him if you won't!" I said
"I won't! Thank so much!"
"You're welcome!" I responded and then I left the office.

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