Secret of Simon's company

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The sound of knocking woke me up.
I was wearing my pyjama. "Who is it?"

"Room service!"
I run to the doors, because I knew they brought us food.
A man walked in the room and he was pushing trolley with the food. "Good morning! I brought you  your breakfast! he said.
He was tall, green eyes,brown hair and very handsome.
He left the room.

"You almost ate him with your eyes!" Said Niall
"Are you jealous?" I asked
" Yeah! Of course I am, because I am your boyfriend!
I walked up to him and I kissed him then I broke the kiss and said "I am yours! I am not going anywhere! You stuck with this crazy girl for the rest of your days."
He grabbed me and I fell on the bed.
He was on top of me and we both started laughing. Then he kissed me passionately.
I put his shirt off. "I like you shirtless!" I whispered.  He started putting my shirt off, but it has too many buttons so he just ripped it.
I stopped kissing him and I said "Niall did you just ripped my shirt?"
"What? It has so many buttons!" he said smiling. 
He started kissing my neck when someone knocked.
"Can we ignore this knock!?" Said Niall
"I really want to!"
" So let's do it!" he responded.

We ignored the knock, but the person who was standing at the door didn't stop knocking.

Niall got pissed of and he walked at door and opened it.
"Well that's funny!" He said
"What is it love?"
" Nobody is here."
"They probably went away!" I responded.

"So when are we flying back to London?" I broke the silence between us.
"At three o'clock!"
"So we should go!"
" yeah!"

Kendall's p.o.v
Harry walked in the kitchen. "Kendall I have a meeting with Simon do you want to go with me?"
"Um okay!" I said smiling.
I grabbed my bag and we went in the car.

We reached Simon's company.
We walked in the building. We walk up to the reception. Small woman with blonde hair was sitting at the table. "Hey Vivienne I have a meeting with Simon."
"Yes, I know he is expecting you." She answered and started typing on the computer with those long green colored nails.
"Can you wait few minutes, he is having appointment, he will be here in a couple of minutes."
"Yeah we can wait, right Kendall!" Harry said.
"No problem, I just need a toilet!" I said.
"Girl problems?" She asked.
Vivienne smiled and she said "It's in the second flor. When you'll come there just go straight down the hall and then left"
"I can show you if you want!" She said kindly.
"No, it's fine. I will find it." I said smiling.
"You can go with elevator!" She added.
"Oh okay, thank you!"
I walked into the elevator. I came in the second flor. "Down the hall" i was repeating words to myself. I noticed beautiful pictures hanging on the wall and then I walked past the office. I took few steps back. The door was little opened. Of course because I am very curious I stopped for a minute and listened what they are talking about. But they didn't talk about stuff I thought they will supposed to.

I heard Simons voice and there was a woman too. Some deep male voice said "Delete all your e-mails. Delete all datas on your computer and we will not kill your family!"
"Please my family have nothing to do with this!" said Simon

What the hell is going on?

A man grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. "Destroy your computer and get this girls out of my way, do you understand?!" He yelled.
"Yes!" Simon responded.

They were about to leave the office.
"Ohh fuck!" I said and I ran few steps back.
When they came out of the office I was pretending that I am just walking past the office.
I made a fake smile. "Heeeeeey Simon! How are you mate? Didn't see you for a while!" I said Happily. Damn I can be an actor, I am good at it.
A woman next to him made a fake smile just like me. Bitch please you can't fool me.
" I am okay, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Well I am here with Harry and I am looking for a toilet."
"Oh just go straight down the hall and then left."
"Oh thanks!" I said.
They went into the elevator.
Now I have a chance to take a look in Simon's computer and get some answers.
I sneaked in the office.

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