Step by step

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Niall's p.o.v

I took Hailey by her hand.
"Edward? Can we borrow your car?" Hailey asked.
"Of course you can, where are you going?" he responded.
" Grabbing a breakfast, do you want to join us?" I asked.

"No, no I have some things to get done!"
"Oh, okay." I responded.
Edward gave his car keys and we left.
"Have a good time!" her mom yelled from behind.

We sat in the car. I looked at Hailey. "What?"
"Nothing, I don't deserve you!" I responded.
"Don't say that!" she said.

I started the car and she led me to the restaurant.

We sat at the table.
"Remember when we first met?"
She shyly smiled "Yes!"
"You fell off the couch!"
"Oh my god yeah I know, this was hilarious!"
"And I have been in love with you already!" I said.
"Really?" she asked curiously.
"Well, first it was just a crush, but after we kissed something happend and you stole my heart."

"How? I mean, why me?"
"There is so much more girls who are prettyer then me!" she added.

I kissed her. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met!"

"You are so romantic Niall!"

After we ordered our food I said "Hailey I have to ask something?"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Well, you are my girlfriend now and I was wondering, I will totally understand if you'll think this all is too fast, but would you like to live with me? In London?"

Her jaw droped."Uh uuuum ahh!" she couldn't say a word. "Oh I understand, I shouldn't ask so soon right? Ah sorry!"

"No no no Niall! Yes hahahha yes I would love to live with you in London! YES!" she started screaming.
I started laughing. I kissed her.
"I can't tell you how much I love you!"
"I love you more then Nutella!"
Hahaha I love her sence of humor.
"Hailey we should talk with your parents about this big step!"
"Yeah I think my dad won't be so happy about it!" she responded.
"You think?"
"I don't know!"

We finished our food and left the restaurant. We reached her house. "I will keep my fingers crossed!" I said.
She took a deep breath. "Ready?"
"I am ready!" she responded and left the car.
We walked in the house and met her dad "Dad we need to talk!"
"Yeah sure, what is it about?"

"Uhh where is mum, I need to talk with her too!"
"I am here honey!" her mom just showed up out of nowhere.

Hailey's p.o.v

We sat on the couch in the living room.
"So what is it?" my mom said.
I looked at Niall, he took me by my hand. "Well mom and dad-"

She cut me off "Please tell me that you are pregnant and I am going to be a grany!"
"Oh god mom NO, I am not pregnant!"
Niall was quitly laughing. I pushed him in his ribs.
"Oh sorry, so what is going on!?"

"Well me and Niall are dating and we have been thinking about a big step!"
My dad gave me a serious look "What big step?"
"We want to live in London together!" I said directly.

"That's fantastic!" my mom said happily. "But, you have to promise you will call every day and come to a visit every week." she added.
"Of course I will!" I hugged her.
Then I looked at my dad "Dad what do you think?" he took a deep breath and he said "You are old enough and if this young man really loves you I don't see a problem here!" he said smiling.

I looked at Niall, he was looking at me and smiling. I hugged my dad "Thank you dad!"

"So I am going packing again!" I said smiling.
Me and Niall went upstairs in my room. I clossed the door.

The biggest fanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora