chapter 1

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STOP  WHAT YOURE DOING - youre gonna embarrass yourself and its also just not healthy for your or the LGBT community. or the people you say you love

hi fellas. i havent even thought of this for a while. you can see from the previous chapters that i dont agree with the exploitation of peoples personal lives for entertainment. this is especially true of the LGBT community.

i am a part of this community, hence why i originally had thought in my early teen years that this is an okay thing to do. i have known now for a long time that this is not okay, but now im going to try and do what i can to fix the problem i contributed to.

some of you are young and impressionable, and being a part of a community does make you do things that you wouldnt think of if you may not have been a part of it. i went to TATINOF and at that point and slightly before i think idk i realised that these are real people. they are entertainers, but in reading and writing fanfiction and exploiting thier sexualities you are not only fetishising, but invading real moral boundaries. it is NOT okay to play with another person's personal life like it is your plaything, your property. again some of you are young, so i dont blame you personally. please try and realise your ways, and stop people in your community from making the same mistakes i did. in new communities that im not a part of too. if you watch a new youtuber, the first thing you do shouldnt be find the next person of the same gender and ship them bc uwu gay. they have given you no right to speculate and play with their image and yeah like.

you cannot keep doing this. your going to embarrass yourself in the future first off, but its also setting a dangerous bias and stigma around the LGBT community - thats its something inherently predatory, sinful, fetishisable and for the pleasure of the viewer.

let me get it straight for you

PLEASE STOP READING OR WRITING ANY FAN FICTION ABOUT PEOPLE WHO ARE REAL ESPECIALLY. think of why you read these. is it to fit in? is it to fulfil some fantasy in your head. is it attention? you know what, i probably did write this for attention. i could have written a story about not dan and phil. in fact i wanted to. i knew this was gonna get views. i dont judge you.

is it because you deep down think its "naughty" to be reading these. to be playing with these people's lives? when you read these, you are putting the idea of a real person in your head doing all these things that they did not tell the world they thought it was okay for you to imagine them doing if that makes sense. your idea of the people WILL follow you into real life, when youre looking at their instagram and commenting something SiNfUl you are carrying something they didnt want about themselves into THIER personal life. they dont want that. youre making them uncomfortable.

also if you wanted it and believed it to be true so much, why would you constantly beat them up for answers - they arent telling you for a reason and you are pressuring them. its sick and disgusting

and i get it. youre young. but think for yourself for a second. please fix what youre doing

also you have GOT TO STOP ROMANTICISING MENTAL ILLNESS AND SUICIDE AND BULLYING. its something i saw so much as a reader, and i have never and will never fuck with it. its what annoyed me so much about the sequel to this story. i did not want anything i created to be associated with a romanticism of things like that. in such a trivial setting as a fucking fanfiction about two men youve never even known. i always worried seeing them, thinking what if dan or phil see this and actually are affected. because i watched dan's video i now know and believe more than ever that this fantasy fulfilment is dangerous and not good for you and your young brains.

i really implore you to think about why you do this, watch dan's video which solidified my belief in my opinions. idk. im probably going to delete this story. sorry if you liked it. im just showing my belief in what i am doing rn so idk

go delete your fanfics and please spread the word on NOT doing this in the future. we have seen how it affects people.

i wanna say tho thank you for peoples support, i am glad you liked my writing. please go and read real books i literally promise you its 1000000 times better than everything on this website. also if you still want to read fanfics, read harry potter ones or something thats not gonna affect someones real life. if you think "oh no reading that about harry potter will affect the way i see the real thing" youve just proven my point that this is just taking the idea of something you read and its tainting your perspective of the real thing. not good if they are REAL HUMANS WITH EMOTIONS AND LIVES AND STRESSES AND yeah idk

seeya never 

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