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"I'll go, but I won't go quietly. Go down, but I'll go down fighting." - Jem and the Holograms

"All I know is that we gotta get you out of here... Alright, who do we know at Idris?" Alec mused as he paced in front of Izzy and Thea.

"The only people that care are mom and dad and the Blackthorns, but they'll be under suspicion as well if we call for them." Izzy said quietly

"What about Lydia?" Thea suggested

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"What about Lydia?" Thea suggested.

"Lydia?! She's the one prosecuting me. She said she doesn't have a choice. But everyone has a choice. Now I made mine. Let me go through this without losing my self-respect..."

"Look, I know you don't want to believe this but Lydia said she would help if we could give her a way to do it. Maybe we can get her to at least delay the trial." She offered.

"So what? So that I can sit here playing computer solitaire while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just an escape goat to the Clave. They want the cup."

"So let us buy some time to find it." Alec insisted. "Jace and Clary-"

"Disappeared through a door to god knows where. You said they were lost forever. So is the cup..." Izzy sat down in defeat. She was losing hope fast.

Alec tried again. "What if I was wrong? What if I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond but that doesn't mean he can't be found. We need more time."

Izzy scoffed. "Are we grasping at straws now?"

Alec crouched down to look his sister in the eyes. "Izzy, listen..." He gently grabbed at her elbow to get her to look at him. "I'm your big brother, Thea is your parabatai. Now please, let us help you for once."


"The message said have everything ready. The trial will begin immediately. She's on her way." Lydia stated as she and Thea walked through the main foyer of the institute.

"But that doesn't make any sense. Why rush this? We both know that Clary and Jace are still out there." Thea fired back.

"Clary and Jace aren't on trial for high treason."

"Oh c'mon, we both know there's nothing solid to pin on Izzy. If we just delay this for a couple of weeks-"

They were interrupted by the institute doors opening. Thea and Lydia looked to see a few guards, the inquisitor, and a silent brother marching in.

"Guards at ease." The inquisitor ordered.

"Thea, I understand that you've cooked up some kind of marriage with one of the Lightwoods."

Thea nodded slightly. "It's a suitable and solid partnership for both of us."

Most of the Clave's council marry for political reasons, so that was her explanation because she didn't believe them to know love.

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