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"I have to sleep." He says in his calming voice

"Just a little bit longer please?" It's so selfish for me to want him to stay up and talk to me this late.


When we say our goodbyes for the night I smile even though I want to stay up with him and talk, but I know he has school tomorrow and he should focus on that so I understand. I just wish we lived closer to each other. I imagine a scenario him coming to pick me up and then going for a walk in a local park at dusk, then finding a bench and watching the sunset together. Then he notices that I'm cold and he takes off his jacket and puts it around me and hugs me closer to keep me warm. If only that could be real I would have been so happy if that was , but it's not he lives across the country. I miss him already maybe it's me just being clingy but I can't help but think about him. He is so handsome he has blue eyes more beautiful than the ocean and he has dirty blonde hair that suits him so well. As I settle down for the night I think of him and fall asleep.

I dream of all the random things people dream about. When I wake up for school in the morning I notice that I woke super late. I rush to get dressed and make my bed. I barely have time to brush my hair and teeth but I make it. I rush out the door grabbing a granola bar for breakfast which I have every day. Then I run up the hill to the bus stop barely making it on time I make it on the bus breathless. I sit down next to my good friend Charlie and relax a bit before she starts talking.

"Wake up late?"

"Yeah," I say unwrapping my breakfast and taking a large bite.

"What's the reason this time?"

"I was talking to my boyfriend."

"Aw, the lovebirds staying up late for each other, how cute."

"Oh shhh, it's not like I wouldn't stay up late anyways."

"Fair enough. So how's he doing?"

"He's really good but its so stupid that we're so far away from each other I wish we could hold hands but of course I had to fall for someone on the other side of the country."

"I get that it's hard, dude I'm sorry just wait for a little bit and he can come see you right?"

"Yeah, He said he's going to visit me as soon as he can save enough for a plane over here."

"You'll get your special moment holding his hand."

"I hope so. Anyway did you do anything cool this weekend?"

"Not really, just stayed at home drawing this drawing." She takes out an amazing drawing of The Doctor from the TV show Doctor Who.

"Oh my god that's amazing, I wish I could draw as well as you do." We pull up to the school and hop off the bus.

Then the day continues as normal talking to my friends at the beginning of the day then going to class. When I sit down in 2nd period I feel my phone vibrate so I check. To my surprise it's him He usually doesn't text me during school, he says it's so I can concentrate. The message says.

"Hey, babe I have a surprise for you when you get home."

I type back "Okay looking forward to it :)"

I go through my school day thinking of the first time he and I talked.

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