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Manik Malhotra- 20 year old hot, handsome ,sexy rich spoilt brat.

Nandini Murthy- 19 year old sweet , innocent and simple middle class girl.

Cabir Dhawan - 20 year old rich guy. A complete prankster. Best friend of Manik . Knows him inside out.

Multi Vardhan- 20 year old fun loving girl. Friend of Manik. Rich but doesn't like show off. Considers Nandini as a sister. Calls her choti.

Dhruv vedant - 20 year old shy, innocent guy. Topper of college. Has a secret crush on Nandini.

Soha khurana- 19 year old rich girl. A complete bitch. Maniks girl friend. Hates Nandini.

Viren Patel, Shaurya Ahuja,Jay Grover- Manik's friends. All super rich and spoilt brats.

Niyati, Khushi and Priya- girl friends of Viren ,Shaurya and Jay respectively. Mean girls.

All study in the same college.

Rest of the characters will be introduced as the story progresses.

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