"Oh. Well then, I'm ready to start." I said, smiling brightly.

I picked up a card with her name on it.

Nicole Rosen
Age: 24
Hobbies: Reading fantasy books, playing piano, and gardening. She enjoys baking with her 4 year old daughter, Gracie Rosen. Dr Rosen has been graduated from medical school...

Okay. Cool, so she has a kid around Liv's age...

"Hey..." I said as she was weighing me. "Maybe Gracie and Olivia could meet up sometime and play." I suggested to her.

"That would be so fun! My husband recently died in Afghanistan. But from a stupid car crash." She shook her head. "Can you please lift your shirt to the upper waist?" She said.

I did as she said.

The rest went by quickly. I thought that I was gonna bee bored, but it was fun talking to her. I got her number and we decided to have the girls play sometime.

"Well Taylor... Let me get back to you in ten or so minutes. If you need to, use the bathroom or visit your family if they came with you." She said, smiling as she left.

I decided to check where Harry was.

"Hey babe!" He said once I called.

"Hey! Where are you?"

"Well, I'll be there in five or so minutes. I was just about to call you..."

"Yay! Love you! See you soon." I said.

"Mhmm.... Well, how's Liv?"

"Liv! She told me to say hi for you." I said.

"Oh, well we can video chat them later tonight after dinner and the show."

"I can't wait for the show! I am dying to watch Catching Fire." I smiled.

"Same. I'm pulling in babe. I'll see you in a minute." He hung up after that, and I waited for Nicole and Harry to arrive.

Nicole showed up first, with Harry following after her. I stood up and hugged him, then turned to Nicole.

"So there's the father I see." She smiled approvingly at us.

"Yep! So how's the baby doing?" I asked. Her smile dropped and I grabbed Harry.

"Umm... Bad news and good news. Good news is she won't be born with anything that could harm her, or anything like that. Bad news is... She has a 70 percent chance of being born deaf. Harry, your genes must have carried some sort of gene like that. Taylor, you have a small body. So don't be surprised if the little one comes out earlier or more painful then normal. I'm afraid that the other thirty percent, he or she will have a ten percent chance of not making it.... But a twenty percent chance of being perfectly fine." She explained.

"Not making it? Like dying?" I asked, holding in tears.

"Yes, but that's the lowest percentage there is. Let's focus that there is more of a chance they'll  be perfectly healthy."

"Yeah, but there's more that she'll be deaf!" Harry said.

"I'm sorry. But I must go now. Have a nice day. And I really do hope that you get a healthy baby." She says, turning to leave. She looked around and we followed her out.

That was awful...

This was terrible, actually. I was in a bad mood now on me and Harry's date night.

"Well we sure do need this break." Harry sighed.

"Yeah we do. Can we call Liv first? I didn't expect it to go that way and she can sure cheer us up." I smiled. He took out his laptop and pressed video call.

After a couple seconds, they answered.

"Mommy! I drew you a picture!" She said, smiling. "HARRY! DID MOMMA TELL YPU I SAID HIIIIIIIII?" She yelled.

"Shhh." I said, laughing at her.

"Well yes she did. But not until the second time I called." He said.

"MOMMY! The first time is supposed to be the best time to tell what you're told to tell." She said.


"No excuses, mommy." She said. "Now let me show you my picture." She held up a paper with a cat, a girl with huge hair, and another shorter girl, who was a fairy.

"That's amazing!" I said, clapping.

"Yeah I know. Grandma already told me that. And I am that fairy because I had a dream when I could fly. You have a pretty red dress on and MereMere is sleeping." She explained.

"Well I think it's nice." Harry said, amused at her intake on the world.

"Well, thank you for saying that!" She said.

I have rubbed off on her.

"We gotta go baby." I said, blowing a kiss.

"Bye mommy. Bye Harry. Love you people." She said, blowing us a kiss before running away to my mom. I hung up and then we went on our date.

It went fairly well, but we did discuss the possibility of the baby, Emmy Selena Swift-Styles, or Ethan Toby Swift-Styles, was gonna die in the process.

Other then that, it was fun.

Although I never thought I'd say this, I am dreading my check-up month.

Hey hey hey! Hope this added a little twist!!!!!!!!!!! HAYLOR BABY? WHAT YOU DOIN DOWN THERE?

OH AND BIG NEWS! I am starting a Talvin family book after this, and even

BIGGER NEWS! I AM STARTING A NEW BOOK TOMORROW CALLED 'In Your Wildest Dreams' which is about the Wildest Dreams music video. I think it could go deeper then people think of it, so check that out.


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