The Scribe and The Sun of Truth

Start from the beginning

Stenrus was surprised to see Ninevas arrive early but gave a crooked smile as he said:

"Ninevas, you may earn your keep today. Sit and write."

Ninevas snatched his papyrus and pen and sat.

"The salutation shall be, Oh, Worthy Milkas, we greet your arrival with anticipation of your showering us with your Wisdom."

Milkas was a Master from the coast region of the Sea of Abjuration.

He was loathed by Stenrus but had lands, not so ravaged; and animals, not so skinny; plus, solid gold.

Ninevas recorded the missive and copied it for the Masters' Book of Affirmations.

Stenrus applied his seal to the papyrus, summoned a runner, and instructed him:

"You shall carry this at speed to the approaching Personage of Milkas. Meet him at the village of Silras or be hanged!"

Stenrus turned to Ninevas as the runner departed:

"Stay in the dwelling. Partake of a small portion of food. Return here at mid-day."


Ninevas sat in the kitchen munching on a flat cake.

Bilbras entered in a rush, arms full of small sacks—the reward of his earnest begging at every dwelling.

"Bilbras, have you heard who it is you will feed today?"

"I have no need to know. I have work and I have embarrassment—begging food for the Masters! What is the world coming to?"

"The world is—"

"Yes? You are saying?"


"Good. Stay out of my way."


When Ninevas returned to Stenrus' rooms, he sat in his place and pondered while waiting for the Master to return.

Things are bad to worse...

The Masters demanding Bilbras obtain food from the people—robbing them of what the Masters allocated for their nourishment...

Perhaps Milkas can offer help...


The Feast had finished and Stenrus had returned with Milkas. The Masters' discussion was aiming towards conclusion, Ninevas recording every word; though, his impression of Milkas made it hard to concentrate; and, Stenrus' lack of manners toward a guest were dismaying him.

After Stenrus indicated Ninevas' immediate job was done, instructing him to make a copy before sunrise, Milkas addressed him:

"Ninevas, I require your services for a turning of the glass, no longer than that."

Ninevas felt an unaccountable thrill in his heart.

Stenrus bid them away to the common room.


As soon as they were seated, Milkas said:

"Your Dream is Truth, Ninevas."


"I am Revealing Myself to you, Ninevas. You will record My Words."

Ninevas felt a strength filling his agonized frame—he had no true awareness—he wrote uncomprehendingly.

A timeless time later he heard Milkas say:

"Please, read what you have written."

Ninevas read:

"Hear me, oh people.

"I am the One you long for, the One who fills your dreams and the Dreams of your ancestors.

"I bring you what you most need.

"I offer you Truth.

"Your Masters are ill-equipped to aid you—they live from stealing your birthright—they are palpably misguided.

Ninevas read to the end then fell into a swoon.


He woke to Milkas' ministrations, supping a liquid of heavenly sweetness, gathering his wayward limbs into a sitting posture.

"Ninevas, who do you judge me to be?"

He heard himself say:

"Thou art Sun Benthos."

"Yes, I am the True Sun, the Fire that quenches the Sea of false knowledge; and, you are the first to believe in Me.

"You feel not worthy yet I heard your prayer:

"'I hear you Sun Benthos.

'I hear but do not comprehend.

'May I be led to Your Wisdom.'

"Be happy, Ninevas. Today you shall serve Me well and gain infinite blessing."

Ninevas swooned again.


The sun was approaching its setting as Ninevas woke.

He had no doubt, no fear.

His Dream had become Reality and he had a Mission.

He felt the Prescence of Milkas though His body had departed.

He went from dwelling to dwelling, reading out the Words of Sun Benthos.

Some believed, most thought him insane, one rushed to the dwelling of the Masters.


Stenrus roared:

"Scum !

"You dare to usurp our rule !!

"You repeat the words of a raving lunatic and bring iniquitous shame on yourself !!!

Stenrus struck Ninevas in the face with such force that he slide across the floor.

"You shall be burned alive."


The fire roared around him.

His flesh bubbled and his bones snapped.

His mind was clear and his heart joyous.

He greeted the Sun of Truth in His Holy Dwelling—far beyond the cares of the earth...


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