Angel eyes>16<

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Picture of Dave on the side>

This is Dave from crown the empire, he'll be in the book as well, you'll see why;)

Maybe if your mind was as open as your mouth you'd understand that regardless of what anyone wears, looks like or sings about, we're all the same fucking kids fighting for what we believe in.
And you can never take that away.
            ~Chris 'motionless' cerullie

2 weeks later

Me and ryley sat next to eachother nervously, waiting for the teacher to reach us, she was collecting the projects, me and ryley have finished ours in about a week, we decided to do a video, mixed with all of our idols, mine where almost all gays, while ryleys idols where all dark.

It was a very interesting video, we decided to use one of Andy's songs called 'we don't half to dance' that was my request, I really liked that song at the moment, ryley mixed up the videos with different videos, it first started off sad, then at the end it got happy. It almost made me wanna cry. Wait, scratch that, I did cry when I watched it.

Both me and Ivan did, Ivan was kinda getting better, she was starting to come out of the shell hole, only because I told her we'd be going to a concert tonight. She sounded so excited about it, she kept on bugging me about it over the weekends when I spent the night. I just told her it was a rock band that ryleys brother was apart of.

Maybe I can try and hook her up with one of the band mates 'wink wink' I'm sure she'll catch someone's eye when we go. I mean like, who wouldn't notice her? She's beautiful, her orangish reddish hair, her goofyness, like oh my lord I'd totally go gay for that. If I weren't so caught up in Ryleys world.

"Did you guys finish your projects?" Mr.jains asked, I nodded looking over at ryley, he took the project out of his bag and handed it to mr.jains, mr.jains nodded before strolling off to the back of the classroom.

"So do you think where gonna pass on the test?" Ryley asks, biting his lip nervously, oh how I wish I could just attack him right here right now. He looked so hot.

I nodded giving him a reassuring smile, "I'm sure of it babe." He smiled and leaned down to peck my lips, the bell soon rang, signaling the end of the day, me and ryley both got up and left the room, holding hands as we walked through the hall.

Everyone's starring started to cow down now, everyone got use to us being together, girls and boys got over ryley, and I'm pretty sure Kyle was done trying to get back with me, which I'm happy about, I heard from one of my friends Isaac that he was now officially dating Jackie.

I don't know why Jackie would date him, she's so innocent while kyles just Kyle, he'll trick you into sleeping with him within a week, he tried it with me once, I kicked him in the balls and called him a perverted rapist, then I ran away.

Thinking about it now actually made me wanna laugh, that was one of my favoritest moments with Kyle, kicking him in the balls, calling him a pervert and rapist. That could have been on ridiculousness, or Americas funniest home videos, I tend to watch those shows a lot, they both where hilarious and amusing. My dad doesn't like me watching ridiculousness, but he doesn't tell me to stop watching it. So I'm guessing I can still watch it.

Which is good, because if he ever decides to make me stop watching it, I'll only go online and watch other episodes of it that I haven't seen.

Angel eyes (preppy/emo)Where stories live. Discover now