Angel eyes>6<

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Here's a picture on the side of ryley 'wink wink' apparently he's my home screen and lock screen, his beauty makes me melt :")


Hayden's (point of view)
Ryleys words replayed in my head as I got ready for another day of school, it was Friday, thank the heavens, I didn't really feel like seeing ryley, at all, he just made me feel angry and annoyed now, he wasn't so bad, but, it was just the way he handled things last night, it hurt actually, a lot, and what the hell did he mean by 'boyfriend'? I didn't have a boyfriend.

I was as single as a Pringle.

Maybe someone just told him something and he thought the wrong idea. I looked outside my window, I seen cars go by, but something caught my eye, or more like, someone, the all to familiar black hair, lengthly legs, strong back, the boy turned around as if, feeling my stare, I decided to turn away and close my curtains.

Just starring at him made me miss him, his cute face, his hot body. Can I die of happiness if he ever decides to ask me out? Naw! He'd never do that, I was a prep, he was an emo, they just didn't fit well together.

"Hayden your gonna be late!" My dad called I sighed, I got my bag and headed my way down the stairs to see my dad in his uniform, he hasn't been at work like he usually was, he was always leaving after me, or he just sat at the table, I wonder if he changed his shifts, if he did, then I had a little hope that'd he come to one of the games, just to see me cheer on the schools team.

"Hayes, don't worry about the game, me and x well be there around 6 or 6:30," dad said with a small genuine smile, I nodded with a smile, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door, I said my goodbye to x and walked out as well, I went my separate way towards my car and got in, turning it on, I backed out of the drive way and zoomed down the street. I switched on the radio and let whatever was on, play through the car. It was soft and calming.

I wonder who they where. They sounded rather filmier, I parked the car and got out, making sure I locked it up, I walked my way into the school, everyone greeted me as I walked past, I gave smiles to everyone and walked towards my locker where Ivan and Meeka stood. "Hey Hayden poo!" Ivan greeted, she gave me a quick hug and went back to holding Meekas hand, I smiled and gave her a 'Goodmorning' back.

"What was up with you? I mean like last night you seemed upset and all, you sounded like you where crying." Ivan spoke, I shrugged and thought of an excuse, "um, my stomach was hurting." Ivan gave me a stern look, knowing I was lying, I sighed and closed my locker, "it's nothing really important, okay? Don't worry about it." I gave her a reassuring smile, and walked off to my first period.

My next two classes seemed to take forever to end, it was like a never ending school day, everyone was just annoying me, everyone tried making small talk with me, but it seemed like I can only get one word out.

The bell rang, signalling lunch time was here, I got up slowly and walked out. I walked through the hall, pushing past other teenagers, I apologized to some of them as I accidentally shoved some, I finally made it to my locker and started to put the code in, someone leaned against the locker next to mine, making me look up to meet a pair of brown eyes, oh, it's just Kyle.

I look away and shove my books in, I close the door and look up with an annoyed face "what do you want?" He smiled brightly and put his arm around me, "oh Hayden baby, it's just me, don't get to excited, I'm just here to ask if your going to the party tonight." I shrugged his arm off of me and glared at him, "oh yes honey, id love to!" I said sarcastically, he grins and puts his hands in his pants pocket, "great! I'll see you at the game!" He walked off towards a group of girls.

Angel eyes (preppy/emo)Where stories live. Discover now