Angel eyes>9<

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Picture of meeka on the side>


Ryleys (point of view)

I stared in the mirror with a blank face, I needed to Change for tomorrow, I needed to change my looks, my black hair, my lip piercing, that I haven't worn in awhile of course, I was not gonna wear it to school, because last time I did that, I got in trouble, and I don't need to get another detention. I sighed, and grabbed a box, "I'm doing this for Hayden." I whispered.

I grabbed some gloves and put them on, I'm doing this for Hayden, I'm doing this for the girl I liked. My first ever kiss, the girl that I now started to take a liking to.

I'm dying my hair so when I go to school, everyone won't think of me as an 'emo' anymore.


I woke up to a dying headache, I groaned turning onto my side, it's now Monday, and I had to go to school, this time, I looked different, and better, my hair was a dark blonde, it almost looked brown, but it was a dark blonde alright, I read the box, I'm smart right? Not, I'm not smart for doing this, but I'm only doing it for Hayden, maybe, I'm not gonna let her know that though.

Not until where alone.

"Ry honey, it's time to get up." My mothers soft voice called through my room, I groaned once again, not wanting to open my ugly eyes, "baby it's 8:00, you only have 20 more minutes-"

And before she can finish saying anything I hoped out of bed, I quickly rushed into my bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Shit shit shit!

I'm gonna be late, why must life hate me? I needed to look perfect for this, I looked in the mirror and noticed my hair was down, I quickly grabbed gel and squished the stuff into my hand, I brought it up to my hair and put my hand through my hair, sticking it up a little, my hair still looked a little bit emoish or gothish, but it'll half to do. I grabbed a set of white skinny jeans, they weren't to skinny to make me look gay, but they were skinny enough to make me look hot.

I grabbed a black tee shirt and slipped it on, looking in the mirror I nodded accomplished with my new look, I walked out of the bathroom, making sure to grab my bag and phone on the way out, I walked down stairs to see my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. And my older sister Cameron, sitting on the couch with her gay friend scar, I waved to the both of them as I passed by. Seeing there shocked gazes. I smirked as I made  my way into the kitchen.

My mom gasped as she saw my new look and stood up, "Ryley! What the hell?!" I rolled my eyes taking a apple from the table, "calm down ma, I needed to change, okay? I gotta go now, or I'll be late." I spoke calmly to her, and left off towards the door, only hearing her talk to my dad, oh that women was crazy.

I walked out, smiling as I did so, I got into my car, throwing my bag onto the passengers seat, my parents got me the car, since they where kinda a little late with the birthday present, they weren't rich at all, but they both decided to save there money up and buy me a Lamborghini, I wasn't so happy with them spending that much money on me, but I took it anyways, knowing my mom wouldn't have given up on it.

The car rate was 500 something, I don't get it, but it does go pretty fast if you ask me, I only had the car for 4 days, but it smelt pretty brand new to me. And the seats where comfortable.

I start up the car and back out of the drive way, making sure I don't back into anyone's car, I drive on through the nice neighborhood, smiling at mrs. Jackson, she lived 3 houses down from me, and when I didn't have a car and she found me walking to school, she'd give me a ride, she was crazy fun, she was like that second mother everyone wanted, she always talked about going to Disney land and meeting her all time favorite singer.

She even told me once that she was in a band, and she was there lead guitarist, but then after a couple years, she had to quite because she was pregnant with her first child, kaven, that was a weird name for a boy right? Yeah, but me and him never met, he was always at college when I went to visit, mr. Jackson treated me as if I were his second son, it was pretty nice actually.

I stopped the car in front of the school and shut it off, I opened my door, grabbing my bag, I got out and made sure to lock it, I looked up and noticed everyone was starring me way, either gawking at my car or gawking at me because I looked different, I ignored there stares though, making my way over to the school doors, I open it and walk in.

Hayden's (point of view)

"Hayden it's like this guy is the freaking new kid! He's looks familiar and all! But he's just fucking hot!" Ivan cheered, I rolled my eyes as me and Ivan made our way to our next class, this girl has been going crazy over this so called 'hot' guy, and it was starting to get annoying, like who the heck was she talking about? I didn't see anyone today that looked as hot as ryley.

No Hayden! No no no! Snap out of it! Ryleys not hot! Okay?!

I nodded to myself, right, ryley was hot.

Stop it!

I giggled, I can't help it! Ryleys black hair was just fucking hot, the way he flipped it to the side, the way his eyes would sparkle when he looked my way, the way his lips moved when he talked.


I giggled once again and looked to my right to see Ivan giving me a curious look, I just grinned wildly at her and turned my attention on the teacher who began to speak about something I cut out.


I got up once the bell rang for my next class, I grabbed my books and followed Ivan out of the room, I looked down, trying to find my way around the crowded teens, I held my books tightly to my chest as I walked through. Smelling smoke, perfume, oranges? And other weird stuff scattered on teens.

I finally made it to my locker and dropped my stuff in, sighing as I did so, I grabbed my books for my next class and closed my locker, Ivan ran off already, leaving me alone to walk off to my math class, where I had to finally finish helping out with sage, I walked off to the library, where he and I usually met, holding my books close, I walked in, to see no one there, huh, I wonder where he is.

I shrugged deciding I should go ask mrs, Jacobs, I walked to the room next door and knocked, not soon after mrs. Jacobs opened the door with a confused face, "hey hon, aren't you suppose to be with sage?" I nod smiling, "um, yes actually that's why I'm here, sage isn't in the library, do you know if anything was going on?" I ask softly, realization hit mrs, Jacobs face and she face palmed herself.

"Damn it, sorry Hun, I guess I forgot he was gonna be gone today, you can take a break if you want, or you can come into class." I nodded, "I'll just take a break, thanks mrs.jacobs." She smiled softly before saying goodbye, she closed the door softly as I turned around, I decided I'll just go back to the library and hang out.

I looked down and started walking, not watching where I was going, I almost fell down, but was caught by strong arms, I looked up, to meet those beautiful eyes I knew all to well.

Then I looked at him closer, and noticed his hair was up, and his hair wasn't black.

What the hell!



I hope you enjoyed this, I did two chapters in one day, I did this chapter after the two movies, because I got bored, and plus I have no idea what I'm gonna do with my other book, I'm wondering if I should post the first chapter or not? It's a boyxboy book, hehe:")

Date; 16.04.18

Angel eyes (preppy/emo)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora