We continue pleasuring each other this way and both begin to tremble. As we both get close, Faith tries to moves away slightly as I feel her orgasm building fast and it's clear from her confusion and nervousness, it's something she's never experienced before. "just keep going. It's ok" I pant shakily getting even more close to the edge. She gets closer and again tries to move away slightly, but I refused to let her move and keep going "don't try to stop it. It's about to feel sooo good. I promise" I moan pressing my lips firmly against hers. After a few more seconds Faith pulls me in as close as possible and moans loudly into my mouth as she experiences her first orgasm and I kiss her softly as I cum seconds later.

we both stay in the same position, not speaking and trying to catch are breath. "I- I um... I have to go. W- we shouldn't have done that I'm sorry" Faith stutters quickly getting up adjusting herself. "um.. Y-Yeah. I-I'll call you later" I stutter back as the realisation of what we've just done hits us both.

after she leaves I sit in the chair looking at the ground. I can't believe I just let that happen and what's even worst is that I don't even feel that bad about it, which makes what I just did even more twisted. I knew it was wrong. I repeatedly told myself in my head to stop the whole time it was happening, but I couldn't. And even though I know it's wrong. I can't help, but think how good it felt.


Faith's POV

I went over to Alex's place after school and we've been snuggling up on the sofa watching a movie for not even five minutes before he leans over to kiss me. "sooo... My parents won't be home for a while" he winks and I fake a smile knowing where this is leading. "how about me and you go upstairs?"

"maybe after the movie" I shrug "we can watch the movie later" He moans kissing me deep" we start making out on the sofa and he slides his hand up my skirt and start rubbing his hands against my panties and I do the same against his crotch as he moans loudly in my mouth. Normally I'm really turned on by this, but this times it doesn't seem to feel the same and all I can think about is what happened earlier with Michael. "I um... I have to go" I mutter getting up from the sofa. "why? My parents won't be home for hours. It's all good" he smiles pulling me close to him. "I can't. I have to go. I'm sorry" I shake my head pulling away from him and quickly leave.


I get home and lay on my bed thinking about what's happened. I felt awful walking out on Alex like that, but how could I have stayed and been intimate with Alex when hours earlier I'd been doing those things with Michael? I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn't help myself from wanting him. Alex has tried to call me, but I've not answered. I know he's going to ask why I ran out like that and I know I can't exactly tell him the truth that I've just cheated on him and my mind is so messed up right now I can't even think of a convincing lie to tell him.

my thoughts are disturbed when there's a knock on the door and my mother comes in. "hey, Alex just called and said you ran out on him and you won't answer his calls"

"I'm just not feeling to good"

"well you could have just said that instead of running off on the poor boy" she frowns "I'm sorry" I mumble "you don't have to apologise to me. He's your boyfriend" she chuckles slightly. "have um.. Have you managed to get anything out of Michael yet?"

"no" I mumble and she looks at me skeptically "are you sure?"

"I'm sure. All he's doing right now is working on some new songs" I lie. I know the whole point of me getting close to Michael was to get gossip on him and his family and what happened between me and him today would be a perfect story for her. But that would mean Alex finding out about me cheating on him.

"it's been two weeks Faith! Are you even still talking to him?" She frowns. "yes. But like I said he's working on new songs so he's always busy" I shrug. "well you better find something on him soon" she frowns at me and leave the room. And my phone starts ringing again and I see this time it's Michael.

"hi" I answer nervously "hey. How are you?" He asks in the same nervous tone "I'm ok.. You?" 

"i'm ok... About what happened today" he says softly "I know! I have so much homework too" I say loud enough for my mother to hear. Even though my bedroom door is closed I know she's listening at the door because I can see her feet through the gap at the bottom. "is your mom listening at the door again?" He chuckles slightly taking the hint. "as always" I giggle. "well, I guess we can talk about it another day. Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow"

"thanks" we continue talking about random stuff for awhile like we do most nights and even though I can see my mother is no longer listening. I continue talking to him as if she was, because I'm still feeling kinda embarrassed about talking about what happened yet.

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