Chapter 10: She's my Mom!

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~~Continuation of Chapter 6~~

I realized that she's my Mom. She's my Mom who left me because she couldn't take care of me. Why did she even come back? I hated her even more as I thought of these things. Gosh, why does she need to do this to me? Why do I have to suffer even more.

"Hey, uhm Eli-" Caleb caught my attention as he continued what he was saying "-Who is she?" He asked me with a confused look. I know I haven't opened up to them since this is the second time we've seen each other. And this is my first day to actually accept them as my friends.

"Uh, she's my mom" I answered him without looking at him. I focused on my mom who was still walking towards me. I don't know what to do. Should I run? Should I hide? Should I talk to her? But before I thought of the answer, she was already in front of me. Smiling and started crying. I don't want to get embarrassed by her and to embarrass her in front of a lot of students. So I tried talking to her.

"Uh, hey. Mom" I said hesitantly and forced a smile. I seriously don't want to see her or talk to her since she left me. I was still mad at her. I'm still pissed off. My blood is still boiling every time I see her and hear her name. But yeah, she's in front of me right now. All I have to do is hear her out.

"Hey, Sweetie-" And she still calls me that. How dare she! "-Can we talk? You can bring your friends if you want to" She asked me as she looked straight into my eyes then looked at the guys. So we said yes. It's kinda worth to hear her out.. I guess? So the guys and I followed her as she lead the way. We went to a restaurant in front of our school. It was a pretty nice restaurant. She asked to waiter to prepare a table for 7. So the waiter did what she told him to do and lead us to our table.

"Sorry for leaving you" She told me as she looked at me with tears falling from her eyes. I tried to wipe them but they kept falling. But I'm relieved she wasn't making those noises whenever someone is crying. She was asking for mg forgiveness with sincerity but all I said was, "Yeah, okay" because I was still mad at her. I just forgave her so that she wouldn't bother me anymore.

"I'm really sorry. I just can't take care of you since we were pretty broke. I didn't have any choice. You're aunt and uncle wanted to take care of you since they know our situation. Even though your uncle was your Father's brother. He hated him too. He wanted to kill him but I asked him not to. He is still a human-being. But I know you're in a very happy place now. You're already smiling and having fun. You even made such handsome friends" She told me as tears were still falling from her eyes. I listened to her and I felt that she was really being honest. I forgave her but I am still irritated and mad with the fact that she still left me. She could've done other things besides leaving me. But yeah..

"Sweetie, I know I'm selfish-" My mom stopped talking when Bennett suddenly cut her off.

"You're her mother but you left her because you can't take care of her?!" He said as he glared at her. "You could have just thought of other things!" We were thinking of the same thing. But how come he suddenly burst out like that. He didn't have to do that. But I felt happy that he did that. I felt happy that the other guys were feeling the same thing too as I can feel it and see it in they're eyes.

"I'm sorry for not being a perfect mother! I didn't know what to do! I can't think properly that time! But that's why I'm here! I'm going to take her back with me and my husband and try to start a new life!" My mother said to Bennett. But wait, what?! Taking me back with her and her husband? A new husband?! To start a new life! What the actual fudge! I won't go back with her. I don't want too! I love being with my uncle and aunt. They are my new parents. It's only my second day in my new school. It's my first day to spend time with these guys as my new friends. I couldn't just leave everything behind. I will start my own new life. WITHOUT HER.

"I won't go back with you. I won't start a new life with you. I know you have a new husband. But try making your own new life with him. I don't want to be with you anymore. I have my own parents now. Uncle Victor and Aunt Cassie are my new parents. You can't take me away from them. I have my new friends now and I can't just leave them behind. Today is the day I will start my new life. ON MY OWN. That's it. Farewell, my dear mom!!!" I said as I stood up and started walking away. The guys stayed for awhile and said something to my mom but I wasn't able to hear it and I don't mind them telling her what they think. They're my friends. I will learn to trust them. Then as soon as I got, they started to go too. They walked beside me, looking at me.

"Hey, thanks a lot. Thanks for you know, asking me to be your princess" I said to them and saw them wearing a huge smile. It was funny to see them like that. They make me happy. So happy.

"Thanks too. Thanks for accepting us" All of them said in unison. Then they started laughing since they realized that they said the same thing at the same time. Their laughs were so loud and funny that I suddenly burst out laughing too. They were so fun to be with even though it's only our first day to be friends. But I started feeling that something bad will happen. I don't know what it is but I hope it wouldn't happen.

*A/N* (⌒▽⌒)
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~~ See you soon, thank you for reading! Take care & have fun <3 ~~

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