Chapter 6: To Accept or To Regret

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Why is Bennett still holding my hand? It gives me glares and stares from the girls found the hallway. I seriously hate the feeling that they are looking at me. I can see that they're pretty much obsessed with good-looking guys, hot guys, famous guys and etc. but why won't you look deeper? Why won't you like someone who is pretty simple and unique but he has a heart and will never break yours? I know I'm just a simple girl, that is why I don't want to be their friends. I don't want to ruin my reputation and theirs. But I remembered somethings that happened before. It was exactly like this. I started crying since it hurts so much.

*sniff sniff* "Bennett, can you just let go of me?" I looked at Bennett with tears falling from my eyes. Then he looked at me and was surprised that I was crying. He let go of my hand. He held my face and wiped away my tears.

"Elise, why are you-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I ran away from the guys. I tried to hide from them. But every turn I take, they catch-up with me. They kept shouting my name. They kept running. Why are they following me? What do they want from me? Can't they just leave me alone? I don't need friends. I am not a toy to be played with. I have feelings and a heart even though I tried to forget that I have one. I acted so numb so that nobody will be my friend and end up being used or broken.

"Eli, come back! Come back! Come back!" Caleb said as if he was Rose from Titanic. I saw a Janitor's Closet and went directly inside it. I heard footsteps passing and one stopped.

"Hey, don't you think she went inside the Janitor's Closet?" It was Marco's voice. I tried not to breathe because they might hear my breathing.

"Nah bro, that's so old. Nobody hides in the Janitor's Closet anymore" Caleb answered Marco. Then I heard them starting to run again. The sound of footsteps fainted. I started breathing again. Then suddenly the door opened. I saw Marco's head peeking inside. His face was so funny that I burst out laughing. WHICH IS NOT GOOD for me.

"I told you, she's in here" Marco said happily. Then the guys started going back. They wore a tired look since they kept on running. But their faces suddenly wore a huge smile when they saw me. Is my face that funny that makes people smile?

"Oh, you caught me" I said as I frowned. But it made me kinda happy that even though I ran away from them, they followed me. But that was pretty creepy. They're like my creepy stalkers or whatsoever.

"So now, explain. Why did you ran away from us?" Bennett looked and glared at me. It suits him though. But yeah, I shouldn't feel this way. I kept reminding myself that I shouldn't trust anyone from school. Even myself.

"Well.. I don't want to ruin your reputation. Since you're pretty popular in school, you shouldn't be going near me. I'm just a normal and simple girl here. And why do you have to follow me everywhere? And... I just remembered something that gives me so much pain" as I looked at them. They frowned with what I told them. Then Max patted my head.

"We want to be your friends. Please, trust us" He told me as he flash a huge smile. It was kinda cute since he's half Korean and half American. His eyes were small and when he smiles, you can't figure out if his eyes were open or not which is cute. No, I said it again. I shouldn't. Ugh.

"And why?" I asked him. "Why do you want to be friends with a simple girl like me?" I looked away from them since I know they'll be frowning again.

"You're not simple. You're extraordinary. You're pretty amazing. You're our missing princess. Since we're the 'Five Badass Prince Charmings'" Austin answered me. I felt my cheeks were kinda burning. It's the first time I heard someone tell me that I'm extraordinary and a Princess. And now I know what FBPC means. But what's with the badass? But I know, I shouldn't believe them. It's only my second day. I barely know them.

"You're lying. You'll just use me, play with me and leave me broken and removed the badass.. It sounds lame" I answered him and looked at all of them. They wore a disbelief look on their faces. I guess my words hit the bullseye. Especially the badass thingy.

"Stop jumping into conclusions. We wouldn't to that to you. You're special. You're our princess. So stop and just believe us. Please? And we wouldn't removed the badass. Since we're pretty badass" Caleb looked at me and smiled. It's just I can't easily trust them. They're famous and I'm not. I'm just simple even though they see me as an extraordinary person. But, i know, I'm not. But maybe I should try to trust them..

"Should I trust you?" I asked them. "It's really hard to trust people. It's so complicated. I've been used and it hurts. I've been played with and it hurts. I'm left broken and I don't know how to fix myself. That's why I became a bad girl. I joined a gang and we used to steal. We used to beat up some teenagers even though they're not doing anything. I was pretty messed up. But should I trust you?" I continued and I feel kind of relieved that I was able to let it all out.

"Trust us. We will never let you down. We will never hurt you. We will never use you, play with you and leave you broken. We will take care of you. Can you be our princess?" Bennett told and asked me as he put his hand on top of his chest. SThey all did. They swore that they will never hurt me. They swore that they'll do nothing that we will break my heart. So if I accept, I might regret or not. I might be happy. But if I don't accept, I might really regret.

"Since you swore... I'll be your princess" I accepted and their faces wore a very huge smile. They were pretty happy. They were high-fiving each other. Then they all looked at me. They ran towards me and hugged me. I felt my heart beating so fast. I guess this is what you call, happiness or even love. So after the hugging, we went to our first class and after each class, we spend time together and laughed our asses out. We finished the day with huge smiles on our faces. I felt so happy to be with them. But, as we went outside the school. I saw someone very familiar to me. She started walking towards me. She was smiling and crying. Then I walked backwards. Then the guys were like beside me, trying to protect me. Then after looking closely at her face. I realized that she's.....

*A/N* (⌒▽⌒)
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