Day 16: Common Flower

Start from the beginning

Back to now. Gazelle stopped walking. Stood in place and ceased her physical attributes. Her focus retained in her thoughts. Trained her away from reality.
A certain song shuffled on, a song called Secret Conversations. From The 126'ers. It's a beautiful song, expressive just at the Utopia book she read, that novel that gave her the song idea of Try Everything. The song that hit the list and that's on top.
Gazelle immediately traced herself back at meeting the wolf. Taking more glances at that moment.. When she gathered all the facts of the wolfs yellow sharp eyes, strong black fur, sturdy build and the clothes it had on. Which was a white shirt and simple blue jeans..
She realized that the wolf she encountered at the library...
Is Jack.
Jack handed her the books, helped her and ran out without an excuse.
With this memory in play. Gazelle began remembering the lyrics Jack sung in the backyard that one time. Which was "imma show you how, show you how, show you how to love again." And the other two phrases "say my name I want to hear you call.", "There you go you got my heart again."
Suddenly those phrases made sense..
When Jack gave those books to her. She stole away his heart, he simply fell in love with her at first sight. And back to the times of now. Jack got to look at her in the eyes again. So that's what he meant by, There you go you got my heart again.
And when Jack phrased Show you how to love again.
He was simply talking in third person.. He was talking to himself out loud. He's stating about the fact he will show himself how to love again. When Lindsey died.. He lost the might to love. Since Gazelle is in his life, since she chose him. Jack decided to welcome himself back to the field of love, and show himself how to love again..
Gazelle figured it all out.. All of it. Except for Jack stating, Say my name I want to here you call.
Just before Gazelle critically pounded her mind on that phrase, a voice called out to her. Took her back to reality. 
She couldn't say it was familiar. But it did have some kind of vocal instance to it.
It was a strong male voice coming from behind her, he spoke just as calm and fluent in a peculiar accent.
"You.. What's with being out at night alone?" He said, standing beside her.
From the corner of her left eye, she took a glance at his hoodie. Only his muzzle stood out, the rest of his face masked within the darkness. It's hard to tell what species he is. Maybe a Fox. He seemed strange, yet soft centered from how he presented himself.
The unknown stranger didn't lease out a smile, but grinned a little, awaiting for Gazelle's response.
"Taking things off my mind." Gazelle said with a shrug
"Mind if I join you?"
"Sure I guess."
"Wonderful. Could I take the lead?" Said the figure, tracing himself backwards from Gazelles direction.
"Sure?" Gazelle felt a little creeped out, but she paid no mind.
They walked in silence for sometime, for a good ten minutes or so, until the wolf began breaking it away. "The news is terrible. I've herd about the train wreck. About no survivors, it's a shame." He said.
Gazelle sighed. "Yeah it is.. I had someone I loved die in it."
"Family member?"
"No. Lover. His name is Jack. He's a doctor."
"Oh.. I'm sorry. I – I shouldn't of mentioned the train.."
"No it's fine. I'm not offended, uhh what's your name?" Gazelle hoped he'd turn around but he didn't. Just kept walking straight, not showing his muzzle.
"I go by lots of names. Just call me Grey." He suggested. "So. Is this your home?" Randomly Grey spit out, pointing at a home.
"Uhh. Yeah? How'd you know?"
"Well I know lots of things." He chuckled. "Guess I should let you go." He simply stated, without turning around.
This guy is weird. Yet interesting in a way.
Gazelle decided to go home. Walk inside and not ever see this person again. "Heh yeah. I'll see you later Grey."
With that said Gazelle went to the door and suddenly remembered.. She left her keys inside.. She locked herself out. No way she can get in now. That is until Grey walked up to her, personally close and dug into his pocket. He only smiled. "Is this the key your looking for?"
"How'd you get my key?!" She exclaimed, backing ways from him.
He only shook his head, chuckling in the process. "I want to ask you a question.. Alright?"
Gazelle didn't answer, only felt agitated and creeped out.
Mysterious Grey sighed, changing his tone. Resolving to seriousness. He even looked at her, yet the hoodie didn't show his eyes.
"I want to ask you this.. Give me your honest answer. If you answer I'll open the door for you Okay?"
"Okay.. Just state the question."
Happily Grey went on, and watched Gazelle flip her face around.
For his question changed everything, made her cry with a thousand tears.
Which he poised his voice, low and he even changed his voice. Which sounded nothing like his previous accent..
"You have one common red flower and one red rose. Which one is more appealing in the eyes?
The common flower or the red rose?"
Gazelle knows this question... She now knows who Grey is.
Instantly Grey flipped up his hoodie, revealing his true identity.
Which in front of her eyes is Jack.. Jack is alive. His yellow eyes and his smile confirmed this.
"Jack! You're alive!" Without any warning, Gazelle toppled her arms over him, embraced him. Held him tight and soaked her tears in his fur.
"Of course I'm alive my deer. Heh. My middle name is Grey after all. Incase you didn't know. Oh Gazelle I missed you, It's so terrible to be away from you." Jack felt overwhelmed by his lover's hold. Magical, full of unity and passion.
"How'd you survive?" She sniffled, ascending up to his delicate eyes. Crisp and yellow, reflecting her like a mirror.
"Turns out I needed to go to the Rainforest district. So the train stopped there first, then went to Sahara, after all The Rainforest was up on the way to Sahara. So the train operator had no problem. I did however loose my phone and had no way of contacting you since the hospital I worked in had no service due to the severe weather." Jack sighed, brushing his paws on Gazelle's face. Gliding to her eyes, cleaning her tears.
"I'm here now.. I promise I won't ever go away from you again my Deer."
"You promise?" Worry toned out her voice, bolting towards fear.
"I do. I won't go away from you again. And look. I won't let you go, I won't die and and I won't let you die. . I don't want to loose you like how I lost Lindsey. I'm keeping you here at all times. And Gazelle. My lovely deer. I love you.. I really do." Slow and steady, Jack landed his lips upon her, caressing her.
This act of affection emptied away all the doubts in the world, all the bad, what its made of and the things that happen in it.
This action of the parting on the lips breezed away the multiple gaps in her heart and filled it with profound tender love. She's been craving his lips for so long, so badly. And she finally gets it.
"I love you too Jack. I will always love you."
"I know you will. And I myself will not weep for a day of sorrow. As long as I have you."
The look in his eyes. Said it all. He meant what he said. And Gazelle meant what she said.

It's official that Jack is alive. Dr. Ü is back.

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