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I got this from a good friend of mine creepypastafob31 so yeag  here we go

1. Height: 5'6 or 5'5 idk lol


Shoe size: 7 in wemons

4. Do you smoke: ummmm no
5. So you drink: no but i could go for a big bottle of wisky to drown myself in lol

6.Take drugs: yup i take cocanie and meth and herowin and weed and all that good stuff
-__- i am kidding i would probably be in rehab if i did all those

7.Age mistaken for: 16 its cause my height and i am really mutre for my age soo yeah

8.Have tattoos: nope

9.Want tattos: well duh of couse i want some

10.Got piercings: i got my eats pierced if that counts

11.Want any piercings: yeah i want my nose and my eyebrow

12.Best freinds: creepypastafob31 Rica_Luvs_Yew

13.Relation ship stautes: i am single af so if u wannt talk i am here 😏 i am kidding imma be single for a while

14.Biggest turn on: if they are funny

15.Biggest turn off: if they are rude and dont have there shit together

16.Fav movie: how to train your dragon 2

17.Ill love you...if you love me for me and wint judge me and yiu make me laugh

18.Some one i miss: my dad i miss him so much ugh imma cry

19.Most tramatic time: ummm all day today and yesterda

20.A fact about my personality: crazy and childish😝

21.What i hate about myself: how i tebd to attch to people when i meet or talk to them

22.What i love about myself:my personality

23.What i want to be when i get older: a stripper of couse come ...i am kidding i wanna be a doctir so i can help my mommy when she is sick

24.My relationshio with my sidlings: sis- i love her to daeth she is my world- bro- i love him to but i could do with out his sassyness-

25.My relationship with my perants:mom- i love her- dad- never really got to meet him since he died when i was young-

26.Biggest pet peeve:assholes and people who vhew there gum with there mouth open

27.A description of the gurl and boy i like

Girl-funny and outgoing at tmes very hard to understand but you will understand her when yiu get to jnow her and shes just all around amazing and js short

Boy-funny and loud a dirty thinker and likes to play video games abd he is lazy af umm if really good at math and has a very deep vocie and is tall

28.Descriptin of person i hate: mean calls me nands and has nothibg better to do than to make me feek like conplete shit

29.Reason why i lied to a friend:to make them happy

30.Last message i sent: cum back i plz i need you

31.Words that make me upset: fat ugly stupid asshole

32.What i find attractive ib a woman: her boobs .., kiddibg personality

33.What i find attractive in a man:personality

34.Where would i live:pensylvania ( totally spelled it wrong) australia  cali flordia

35.Inserities: everything

36.Childhood career chocie: doctor and lawyer

37.Who i wish i could be : batman

38.Sexiest person that comes to mind :creepypastafob31 haha

39.Random fact:i am very childish and loud

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