My life

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My life as of RN has been complete shit I wanna just throw my life away and get a new one I wanna start over make the right choice s and meet the right people not saying I didn't meet the right people now cause I love the people I have meet I just wish I could live  life with out feeling as if I hurt someone or my mom is gonna die or I am cause of thing I have that I refuse to tell anyone about its just my family knows and if I don't tell you please don't take it like I don't trust you its just that I am not comfortable telling you I am sorry ..., anyway yeah first I found out today that my mom is in the hospital in a whole nother state and I can't vist her it bugs me and then I get dumped but it's all good it's not like my heart was ripped out of my chest and was stabbed repeatedly cause you know I really loved this person oh umm I am not trying to make the person feel bad trust me I hate making people feel bad but that's just how I feel RN and umm yeah kinda having thoughts on cutting but I won't cause I made a promise  that I wouldn't so I won't then yeah umm so if I refuse to talk to you or don't reply back just know I am either dead or like eating ice cream and listening to break up songs IK real original but yeah that's what I got to work with since I am on vacation so yeah ummm the necklace I got kinda wish I would have got batman but oh well it's all good cause you know...THE JOKER IS BAD ASS .... And yeah he is ok so I mean IMMA be up for a while probably crying or dying inside or both while like looking at the walls talking to myself NYep that's my plan for RN I just u know need to stop being so clingy and obsessed with things cause that shit hurts when that thing turns ugh you know IMMA just shit up cause if that person reads this its gonna make them feel like shit ooh hold on let me make myself feel like shit so they don't feel like I was out for them or somethings

Things people call me



A total waste of time
A disappointment
A terrible friend
A slut
And many more those are just the ones that hurt the most and that make me feel like shit so IMMA feel like shit with the person so yeah I am so so sorry that this chapter was not fun but I swear that the next one will be about something fun and happy ok yup that's it

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