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Ok so I am a Taurus so I looked up Taurus fact cause I was bored so here they are

Taureans are quiite sensual and generally appreciate emotional contacts with other. They also like to connect with T he people, but in small GROUPS at a time. They tend to thrive best in ansmall company, they perfer conversations where it's a straightforward and uncomplicated . THWY love social company where they can enjoy and drink food

What causes Taurus to cheat

What could drive a Taurus to cheat? Whiles taureans are one of the most Loyal people , they can be driven to cheat if they suspect THIER partner is doing the same. When they reall care for their partner. They are more likely to even the playing field than to leave them, another side to the, is THIER sexual appetite. They can be quite lusty and may be tempted to start just for pure pleasure of it

What Taurus are like
-tries to keep a grip on their emotions doesn't display emotion too often (this is so true I rarely ever show emotion at all )

-they can be a "yes" person to those close them(also true I do this a lot to people I am close to)

-feels tense or uneasy in uncomfortable situation

-has more patience than people may realize

-quite persistent goes for what they want

-self-indulgent and highly possessive

Taurus personality
-they rarely Chang their mind
-Cautious and doubtful of new and unusual situation
-Does t mind hardwork if it gets them what they want
-Forms few,but close relationships
-Tends to be introverted
-Prefers to be self reliant

Taurus and their lovers
Taurus is a committed partner. They prefer to take their time , using a slow but steady coursesh style. They enjoy a close meaningful relationship with all the affection and intimacy it provides. Taurus is also strong to be the "power " in the relationship. They love being pampered and constant flow OS nice surprises will keep them interested (omg this is so true like I love to have attion and get gift and feel special). They will give you all they can of the BELIVE the feeling is mutual(this is also true I give the person I am dating my all cause I feel like the feeling is mutual). Taurus will also make a choice if they want to go slow and steady or at a fast pace according to their lover

Taurus love matches

Best: Virgo, Capricorn , cancer ,Pisces

Possible; Aries , taurus(I would think we would get along better with ourselves but I guess not)' Scorpio libra

Difficult:Sagittarius . Aquarius , Leo(I am dating a Leo I don't see how we get along if it's supposed to be difficult for us to keep a relationship) . Gemini

Fact: if you try and make a Taurus jealous, they'll mak you regular that you even thought to do so

Things Taurus can offer you

-dependability and shoulder to lean on when you are down on your luck

-comfort and discretion

-realist and practical advice

-a fun and laid back get together

-consistence and a solid friendship

-the ability to really idol he and never judge you for it

More Taurus facts
-wants allots of affects:the more you give the happier they are
-Often comes across as more capable and proficient than other childU but might work more slower and steadily
-Usually quiet and shy with rare out bursts
-Definitely wants his or her way all the time
-Is uncomfortable being the center of attention
-Soothing colors and sounds have a positive effect . Likely to be interesting in art
-May clench fist a lot when angered( I do this way to much but like I can never get the guts to like actually hit some one-)

It's uncommon for a Taurus to bring up the past hurt feelings. They have a hard time forgiving especially if the action left them vulnerable and presented a loss of security.s Taurus's heart can BD be as sweet and delightful as they come but the absolute worst feeling for them is being used of manipulated or cheated . They give a lot so that hurt like hell . Most Taureans have the considerable ability to generate love. (😔 its true I hate it sometimes) .one of their potent secret strengths is THIER sheet unadulterated sensuality

Taurus hobbies and leisure

( IMMA say the stuff I do that is it )
-listening to music

-cooking and baking

-playing video games

-just doing SOMTHING relaxing

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