
22 1 8

I ligit have bo words for this chapter or how o am feeling rn all i feel is like empty and unwanted no its not just beacuse i got dumped but like its just alot going on in my life . Like with my mom getting sick . My grades are not good. Me being sick all the time and taking meds so i can feel better. And then getting dumped on top of that and her moving on doesnt help but as long as shes happy its diesnt matter. I just hope he treats her right and doesnt cheat on her and loves her for the sngel she is i hope he can make her smile abd make her laugh and blush and all thst good stuff . I also hope he can handle her sassy bitchyness cause if he cant then thats gonna be a problem i hope he can cslm her diwn when shes pissed....

Enough about her lets talk about school i know i can do good in school i just dont out effort in to it so my grades just keep on dropping i wanna do better so that i can make my mama pround and not have her disapointed in me i want her to smile and not frown her face up i want her tp trust abd belive in me so that i can do better in school and get to collage and be a doctor so that i can take care if her

I alsi dont care what it takes to make someone happy if that means that i am sad or angry then so be it at least that persons happy. You guys knkw how hard it is to tell sone onr hoe happy you are for them that the havd a boyfriend now . That shit is so hard i almost broke doen telling her how happy i was fir her and helping hef not be paranoid of the guy cheating on her i really just wNna be hsppy for her but i dont knoe if i can so i a t ad of i am i ok with them dating to make her happy and not feel bad . Is that wrong? Shoukd i just tell her i dont like the idea of her and him? No! I cant do that cause that would break her and i cant do thats shes already been throw so so much and dont wanna add to that cause that will make matters worse . I-i i just wanna make everything ok and better so that everyone around me can feel happy even if i sm not i put a smile on to make them think i am bappy i act goofy i joke around just to pull everything off truth id i am not ok at all i hate the feeling of lying to my friends and telling them that i am fibe when i am not but ik it is fir the best cause i dont want them to eirry anout me i want them to be hsppy and smile thats all i ask of them is to be hsppy when o am not

So guys do me a huge favor ok i want you to wake up tommors or today eith a smile on your face for me even if you have a feeling you days gonna be bad i just want you to knoe it gets better everything does and if you ever need somelne to talk to or someone to tell your problems to i sm here for ok  love you guys goodnight

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