to the metal - yoonmin

Start from the beginning

So Yoongi rolls up in his car, beat up but for all the wrong reasons, and smiles when he sees Jimin sitting amongst all of his friends, laughing but not really, because Yoongi can tell he's nervous. He's nervous because what they're doing is dangerous, and he's nervous because he's got a bottle of beer in him and he's nervous because all of this is so illegal, but he's here, and he's smiling and he's nervous and Yoongi can't be anything but thankful for that.

Yoongi pulls his car up as close to Seokjin as he can without hitting him, and the older boy laughs and smacks the side of Yoongi's car. Yoongi leans over the passenger seat and looks at Jimin, who's already looking at him with a grin on his face.

"You came!" Yoongi yells over the roars of numerous engines, over the pounding of his own heart in his ears as his adrenaline starts pumping.

"I always come!" Jimin yells back, then he attempts to wink – it's really just more of a face scrunch – and yeah, he's pretty hammered. Yoongi smiles at him and climbs out of the sunroof to sit on the metal top of his car with his legs hanging into it and Jimin immediately scrambles up from his spot on the ground to join him. It's like clockwork; Jimin shows up to the race with Hoseok because he won't drive yet, then one of the legals show up with the beer, Jimin drinks a few because it calms his nerves, Yoongi shows up and sits on his roof and Jimin joins him.

Yoongi's hand immediately finds it's way to Jimin's hair and the younger boy leans against him, already smelling of beer and cigarette smoke. It's not pleasant, but it's also not horrible because when Jimin is drunk and smelling like a forty year old ashtray, it puts them on the same level. Yoongi isn't such a loser who only finds joy in burning rubber into the once pristine stretch of road their parked on now, and Jimin isn't such a worrisome, good hearted kid that sees the best in everyone.

On Fridays, Yoongi is king. Yoongi is the one everyone dares to race, even though they know they'll lose. Yoongi is the one that doesn't cheer, because he's the king and kings don't cheer for townspeople. Yoongi sits on his sunroof throne with his personal king right next to him, playing with his hands, and on Fridays, Yoongi is untouchable. He doesn't think about college or jobs or his future, because when the engines roar to life, he makes sure to rev loud enough to drown out his thoughts.

Then Jimin is pulling him back down to earth, taking the crown off his head and throwing it away. He looks over at Jimin, who is talking loudly to be heard over the roar of the engine. Yoongi can't hear him, but he's heard the speech enough that Jimin is asking him to please be careful, and please don't do anything stupid.

Yoongi leans over and wraps an arm around Jimin's shoulders and pulls him closer. Yoongi turns his head and puts his mouth against Jimin's ear. "Don't worry, Jimin. I'm always safe."

Jimin looks like he wants to protest wants to beg one last time for them to go do something else, but someone taps on Yoongi's shoulder before Jimin can say anything. Yoongi looks down to see a boy who looks younger than him, but not by much, staring up at him with their poor excuse for a checked flag in his hand.

Yoongi doesn't even have to tell Jimin it's time to go anymore. When he turns around Jimin has already crawled off the roof of the car and is sitting next to Seokjin, who seems to be trying to comfort him as much as he can without touching him. Yoongi drops into his car and pulls up to the starting line.

The car next to him is new and shiny and Yoongi wants to roll his eyes, because this kid thinks that just because he's rich he'll win. Yoongi revs his engine and one the brave souls dumb enough to stand in between the two cars appears with their checked flag and holds it high above his head.

The boy opens his mouth the start the countdown but the red sports car has already taken off and Yoongi curses loudly before downshifting and slamming his foot on the gas pedal.

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