to the metal - yoonmin

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this is basically just 4000 words of brain vomit and there's probably a lot of unanswered questions in it but I can't seem to write anything I actually enjoy lately so I'm going to try and spit out a bunch of one shots to get my mind back on track

Yoongi pushes down the gas pedal, pushes and pushes and pushes until his blood is pounding so violently throughout his skull he feels like he may explode. He's in the lead by a few hundred feet easily, but that doesn't stop him from push, push, pushing until he's safely over the finish line. Even then he drives a little longer, just to be a boastful asshole. Eventually he turns around and comes back, only to see the next race starting up without him.

He sees Jimin standing in the middle of the two cars, makeshift checked flag held high in the air. The two cars rev their engines and Jimin yanks the flags downward, and the cars speed past. Jimin's hair sticks to his head as the wind picks up, but despite looking absolutely idiotic he's smiling, and Yoongi's smiling and everyone is smiling and cheering and for the first time in a long time Yoongi feels like maybe things will be alright.


Jimin and Yoongi are laying on the hood of Yoongi's car, staring at the sky and talking about everything. Jimin talks about constellations and Yoongi listens but doesn't really, mostly staring at Jimin's face and looking away before Jimin can catch him.

"You know, hyung," Jimin says, turning on his side. Yoongi can tell every move is calculated, like he's approaching on a ginger topic and Yoongi bristles before the words even come out of Jimin's mouth. "Maybe, this Friday we should do something."

"We are doing something." Yoongi answers immediately, turning his head towards Jimin. Jimin has a lot of leeway when it comes to Yoongi, but when it comes to Friday's there's no talking him out of his prearranged plans. It doesn't happen, and Jimin's a fool to try.

"Okay," Jimin says. He never pushes the subject, just decides that one week Yoongi may have a change of heart, or maybe he would want to give Jimin's own heart a break and let him live a few days without worrying about the older boy. Yoongi reaches up to play with Jimin's hair, and Jimin leans towards him to make it easier. Just like Jimin has a lot of leeway with Yoongi, Yoongi has a lot of leeway with Jimin.

"You should try it sometime." Yoongi says. Jimin almost laughs, his head hitting the hood of the car with a dull thud. Jimin look's over at Yoongi, his eyes rolling playfully.

"No way, hyung. I'll leave all that to you." Jimin says, and then he narrows his eyes and looks back at the sky, all traces of playfulness gone. "You're going to need someone to glue you back together when this finally goes awry."

Yoongi knows what that means, and Jimin knows what that means, and they both know it's uncharted territory so Yoongi doesn't comment on it and Jimin doesn't make him. Instead they both look back up at the sky, mostly just Jimin because the way that the moonlight is reflecting off his skin makes it hard for Yoongi to look away from him, and they stay quiet, because that's what they always do. They have an almost fight and then they get quiet and then they don't have an almost fight. It's a bad system but for right now it works, and that's all Yoongi needs. He just needs something to work, something to go his way, so if the obvious tension building between them is a result of at least one thing going his way, then fine.


Friday's are a mess, Yoongi won't disagree with that. He can't blame Jimin for not liking to come, where it's loud and there's always too many people for the little spot their in, but it's too late to switch locations now. Too many people have come and gone from this place, and leaving seems like spitting on their memories.

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