before you read

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❝My father says I shouldn't talk to people like you.❞

❝And what am I? A rebel? A tramp? There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules sometimes, baby boy.❞

where luke is from a rich family and meets ashton

(the similarities to the actual movie/tale belong to Walt Disney and its creators)


yeap, you're right, this is Lady and the Tramp - i know they are dogs but lashton like the doggy style aHEM i mean

this will be one of those posh family vs super hot rebel poor dude fanfics but with things and lines that happen in the movie, with the usual 'plot outta here'

welcome to book three! i will start posting as soon as school is over (i have national exams and i gotta study hard but i can always take breaks while studying because i don't have to do it 24/7 (my mom takes my writing very seriously i cri thankful tears)) so please understand if it takes a bit long to update the first chapter unlike the other books

i went to that dark place on the internet (second place on google search) and still didn't find a script for the movie so if you find pls tell me

i really do hope you enjoy it because i am excited for this :)

end of huge note xx

-ana rita (moony)

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