I clear my throat, hoping that he would get the signal and start the car because we are still in the same spot for the last ten minutes. He gave me a brief glance, before grabbing something from the back seat and putting it onto my lap.

"Eat it." He ordered.

I open the small box on my lap and my eyes widened upon seeing a zinger burger.

No way...!

"Um...thanks for buying it, but I already had dinner with Hassan." I said, looking at him. He clenched his jaws tight and shows me his phone.

I curse under my breath after reading Hassan's text stating I hadn't eaten anything.


"Yar, I am not hungry." I said to Zulqarnain.

"We aren't going home until you eat it." He said, staring into space.

"What? ....What kind of condition is that?"

"I don't know and I am in no mood to want to know. Now, eat it silently and we will go home." He leans back against his seat in a comfortable position.

"And what if I won't eat it?" I raised my eyes.

"I won't mind staying here all night."


"Have you lost your mind?"

"Yes. Now eat it."

I glance at the burger and feel my stomach grumbling.

Maybe I should eat it...

"Where is your burger?" I asked him.

"I already ate dinner."

"Oh! Where?"

"Where you left me."

"I see... What did you eat?"



"NO." he frowned at me.

"Then what?"

"I ate prawn biryani."

"Oh! ...with a cold drink?"


"Which one?"

"Why are you asking so much?"

"I am trying to see how far you are good with lies. You didn't eat anything, Hero. Because you were angry."

"Are you implying that I didn't eat because I was angry at you...? Please... Why would I starve myself for you?" He scoffed.

"They don't serve Prawn Biryani, Hero." I smiled looking into his eyes and he quickly averts his gaze.

I Won!

With the same smile on my face, I somehow manage to divide the burger into two pieces.

"Sharing is caring." I said, giving half of my burger to him.

He stared at the burger in my hand for a while, before opening his mouth.


I was taken aback by his attitude and quickly pull my hand back.

"What? I thought friends are supposed to care for each other." He said with a grin.


I put the box on his lap and said, "Owqaat main rahye hazrat (stay in your limits, Mr.)". And start eating the portion that is in my hand. He released a dramatic sigh and start eating.

Oh! My Darling TeacherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz