"Shoot her! Shoot her now!" I ordered the men around me. They tried but they risked shooting Anakin.

I thought she would kill him. I felt myself getting angrier. I will not lose him. I need him, our child needs him, Ahsoka needs him, Obi-Wan needs him.

I opened my eyes again and she had two droids carrying him. Now, he was a prisoner of war. I screamed for them to stop. But she only laughed.

"A pleasure doing business with you!" She yelled.

Caleb and the two men hobbled back onto the ship. And I let go of the ship.

"Pilot, go back to the cruiser. I'm following them." I ordered. Caleb leaned into my side.

"I'm sorry, Master. You were right, I wasn't ready." He said. I could feel his shame.

"This isn't your fault. You fought best you could. I shouldn't have let you go out there. I've been neglecting your training, when I get General Skywalker back we'll get you ready for the next time Dooku's pet decides to join the party." I promised him. I saw the burn etching in his shoulder. I've had burns like that, he needed medical attention as soon as possible.

We got back to the cruiser and the men went to take Caleb and the wounded to the medical room.

"You shouldn't go alone, (Y/N). It's not wise. You don't know everything about this yet." Master Windu said.

"I don't have time to learn everything. They might be in hyperspace right now! Then we'd never know where they went. I'm not risking anyone else dying." I told him, "You need to go to the Med room, now."

"I'll go when you decide to take someone with you." He said. I groaned,

"Fine, Gree, I need you to hop in that fighter. We're going to follow them." I said, "Stiles, I need you to take General Windu to the medical room."

"You got it, General." They both reported.

Gree and I hopped into our green fighters and lifted off to follow the Separatists.

"Green leader, are you sure we should be doing this?" Gree asked.

"It's the only way we're going to find out where they're taking Skywalker." I said.

"Okay." He agreed reluctantly.

"R2, can you find their ship?" I asked, I took R2 because I knew he'd be more willing to do whatever as fast as possible to find Anakin. We flew around the planet. R2 told me they were at coordinates O-13, about to fly into hyperspace.

"O-13 then, R2 I need you to lock onto their hyperspace route, can you do that for me?" I asked, flying towards O-13. R2 seemed weary, but said he would try. We approached behind their ship.

Then they went off into hyperspace.

"R2, I know it's hard buddy but please?" I asked, hoping. He whirred like crazy, I couldn't even figureout what he said.

"Green leader?" Gree said in my ear,

"R2 can you get it or-" I asked but then my fighter went into hyperspace.

"R2! You shouldn't have done that, we left Gree behind!" I protested. He gave me a sassy remark about how I didn't even want him to come in the first place.

"Well, yeah, but he did come and we shouldn't have left him." I sighed, "Now where is this thing going?" I asked.

R2 then put the hyperspace route on my map. We were heading towards a small planet. I didn't recognize it at first, because it no longer is property of the Republic.

"R2! We can't go there now! That's the Citadel! They're taking Anakin to the Citadel?! I'm sorry buddy but we have to turn around. If I so much as accidentally drop into their system I'm dead meat!" I yelled.

The Citadel was a prison created to keep in Jedi if they ever "lost their way." But we stopped using it hundreds of years ago after we thought the Sith had gone extinct. The facility was abandoned until the Separatists decided they could take over.

The facility had a lock down and scanners far more advanced than any other prison. I can only imagine the more advancements the Separatists have made. Why were they taking Anakin there? They could've just killed him, why were they imprisoning him?

R2 sadly inquired only about getting Anakin back.

"I want him back too, R2. But I can't get him out of there if I'm in there too. Especially alone. We need to reroute back to the Vanqor system." He didn't respond, "I'm sorry, buddy. We will get him back, I promise you."

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