"Do you use that knowledge now? Like with futebol?" he asked.

"Kind of, but instead of using my hands, I'm trying to use my feet. It's weird." I laughed.

"So who was 1st place?" He asked.

"That guy only won because he made a Chocolate volcano and everyone was hungry!" I ranted.

"So you lost...to a Chocolate volcano?" Neymar was starting to crack up.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I started turning pages.

"Hey wait, what about that picture?" he stopped me.

"This one? A family photo in front of Cinderella's castle, we went on vacation to Disney World that summer. My foster father didn't go, supposedly he had work related issues. So instead my mom invited her sister to bring her husband and daughter." I explained.

"Oh cool. Who's this right next to you that you're posing with?" Neymar asked.

"That's Rocio. We had on the Dr. Seuss 'Thing 1 & Thing 2' shirts." I told him.

"Both of you are smiling in this one, how old were you two then?" He asked.

"I was 16, which means...Rocio was 19 at the time." I barely remembered.

"ohhh ok." He said.

Turning a few more pages...

"This one seems more recent." Neymar stopped me and pointed out.

"This was me and Rocio before I left and came to Russia." I said.

"This time, she's the one that doesn't seem as happy." Neymar noticed.

"Yea, she had to rush to the airport to see me off. When I left America, she was in the process of trying out for the Women's National soccer team. I wasn't into the sport at time, but I still supported her up till that point." I explained.

"Wow...you and Rocio seem really close." Neymar noticed.

"Well our parents raised us together, so she's the closest thing I have to a sister. Interestingly enough, Maria reminds of her to a certain extent, but Rocio is way tougher. If they ever met, I bet they'd be best friends." I laughed.

"Bro she's really attractive." Neymar admitted, and it made me laugh again.

"What's so funny?" He question.

"Good luck." Was all I said as I closed the photo album and got up from the couch.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Neymar questioned.

"Nothing...just, good luck." I said with a smirk on my face.

Neymar doesn't know this but Rocio is both Costa Rican and Mexican, and oh my god is her attitude fiery. If a random guy came up to her and told her that he liked her, she would crush his dreams in seconds. If she's not even interested, there's no chance...So yea, Good luck.

Neymar's phone rang, pausing the conversation somewhat.

"What's up?" I asked him as he looked at it his phone.

"Nothing...The coach wants to talk game plans with me." He summed up the text message he got since it was in another language.

"Oh ok." I said, putting the album down and getting up from the table.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm gonna go visit Sergio. He's staying in Russia right now because me so I feel like I kind of owe it to him to pay a visit every day for how ever long that I can." I told him, putting on my shoes.

The Superstar Contingency (2018 FIFA World Cup Future Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें