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"Mom!" I walked into the house with my face soaked from the tears that were falling from my face. This girl came up to me today saying that I have more fat than a whale and that the fishermen would easily mistaken me for one if I swim in the ocean. I couldn't believe that someone who say something like that and I didn't do anything wrong to nobody.

I walked up the steps and headed to my mom's room confused that the door was even closed. She never had her door closed unless she was changing, but she doesn't have work today. I knocked on the door softly while backing up from the door. I waited for my mom to open the door, but it didn't open. I knocked on the door a little louder and the door swung up with irritation written on my mother's face.

"What the hell do you want?" She said slurring her words a bit. Is she drunk?

"The girl.. she's picking with me again" I mumble while fiddling with my fingers. I heard a sigh while she rubbed her head with the palm of her hand.

"What did she say this time?" She asked.

"I'm bigger than an average whale and if I go swimming, fishermen will mistake me for a whale" it was silence. We stood at the same spot for about a minute and a half.

"She is right.." she mumbled. My eyes widened while my heart literally shattered. Did she just say she was right?

"W-what?" My voice shivered trying to keep the tears from falling.

"You heard me, she was right. Look I am done trying to take up for you and you not doing anything to change yourself. You are a whale and you always will be!" She shouted in my face.

"Why would you say that? I-I'm your daughter"

"You are worthless to me and everyone else! I wish I've never had you!" I broke down crying while running to my room locking myself in. I can't believe she said that to me for no reason. I did not do anything to this woman and she said that I'm worthless. That is the worst thing to hear from your own mother. I cried for that whole week just soaking in what my mother said to me.

"Candace?" I heard Katelyn voice coming from my doorway. I was looking out the window watching the rain pour down on the city. When I watch the rain, I think of that day my mom gave up on me to focus more on alcohol. I turned my head to look at her while she walked over to me sitting next to me. "She chose the wrong path and left both of her smart, beautiful daughters to drown herself in the devils juice. I know that day hurts, but you have to forgive her and let the hurt go or it will only get worse".

"I hear you" I mumbled while looking back out of the window.

"I really like your hair" Kat said while playing with my braids. I got my hair done after Carter dropped me off yesterday from our lovely breakfast date we had. I wanted to try something new and my hairstylist suggest this to me. I love my new look, makes me feel good about myself.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Hey, how about we invite the boys over to just chill. It's raining outside and I know they probably bored at home.

"Sure! I miss my baby anyways"

"Girl you FaceTime him an hour ago!" Kat giggled while getting on her phone to call Jacob.

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