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"Candace!" my boss, Ms. Jones came to me by the register with a bright smile on her face.

"Yes, Ms. Jones?" I asked while putting some change into the cash register.

"How are you today, sweetie?" she asked while squinting her eyes at the counter while using her fingernail to scrap off something. "Swear I need to get rid of this foo'. Never know how to clean shit" she mumbled. I giggled lightly while shaking my head.

"I'm good Ms. Jones. Why you up here?"

"Girl, Earl was trying to sweet talk me and shit. I don't know why his old ass try to come up here and ask me on a date. I am 58 years old and have three grown ass kids with five grandkids. I don't have time for a man" she protested while shaking her head.

I work at Ms. Jones bakery for almost three years now. This is my favorite job so far because it's only me, her, and a couple friendly cooks. Oh and my best friend, Trinity. This the only job I had that didn't pick on me about my weight. Yes I am a big woman, but I also have a beautiful personality. I guess I'm not fit to be like everyone else, but it's okay because I never give up unless it's about a man.

Men don't think I'm attractive because I'm too big and will take up a lot of space, if you know what I mean. After the last guy who did me wrong made me just give up on men and love. The only love I have is from Ms. Jones, Trinity, my other best friend Rodney, and my sister Katelyn.

My mother stopped loving me when I turned 13. I don't why she stopped loving me, but she did. She use to always tell people that I'm the biggest and most beautiful star that have fallen down on Earth to make her happy. She cuss people out who talked about my weight when I was 6 to 12. I don't know what happened at 13, but she just said, "I can't keep telling people these lies anymore. You are fat, ugly, and will never find love! You are worthless to me and everyone else!". I guess she got sick of sticking up for me, so she always kept me in the house unless it's for school or getting her a bottle. I just been having the struggle of love.

"You can still get coffee with him or something, Ms. Jones" I giggled while closing the register.

"Girl please. He only want my goodies"

"Maybe he want to get to know you. May never know until you talk to him"

"Fine. Maybe he'll have a grandson for you" she lightly elbowed me while wiggling her eyebrows.

"He probably will just run away once he see me.." I mumbled. She popped me on the mouth.

"Don't say that! You are beautiful. These hoes and niggas are just mad because you the most beautiful girl they ever seen. Just because you big don't mean you not beautiful"

"Thanks, Ms. Jones" I smiled.

"No problem. Here come a customer" she said while walking away to go where Mr. Earl is sitting.

"Welcome to Jones' Bakery, what would you like today?" I asked while looking down at the register screen logging in not even noticing who was in front of me.

"Two cinnamon rolls, two chocolate mochas, and for my bestie to take this break to eat this food with me" I looked up to see Rodney having a huge smile on his face. I smiled.

"Coming right up!" I punched different numbers and clicked entered to make the total show up. "That will be $11.25 and a seven minute wait".

"Well hurry up, a nigga hungry as fuck" Rodney said while pulling out his credit card swiping it in the credit swipe machine. Once he signed off and got his recite, he moved down the counter to wait for his stuff. I grabbed two cinnamon rolls with tongues while putting then in one bag. I put in a couple of napkins while sitting the bag by him. I went to the mocha machine and started making our mochas. Once I put the whipped cream on top, I carried both of them over to the counter and sat them down next to Rodney.

"Pick a table, I'll be back" I said while walking over to Ms. Jones. I told her I was going on break making her nod her head while continuing her conversation with Mr. Earl. I shook my head while walking over to where Rodney was sitting taking the seat across from him.

"So, how is my pudding pop?" Rodney asked while taking a bite of his cinnamon roll.

"Doing a little better. Still trying to be strong" I said while sipping my mocha.

"Boo stop beating yourself up. You are drop dead gorgeous and I know because you my best friend. You know I don't fuck with uglies and bitchy attitudes, so you know you gorgeous" he said. I laughed and nodded my head. Rodney has been by my side since we were 14 taking the same classes. We both had something in common and that was being bullied. He was gay and I was fat. We were the perfect match. He took bullying very well than I did.

"Thank you, pookie" I said above a whisper while taking a bite of my cinnamon roll.

"Now, let me tell you about this nigga that I went on a date with"

"Oh Lord" I said. The whole break he was telling me how his date went. It was basically the guy trying to rob him out his money and staring at other niggas. I was mostly laughing at how foolish Rodney is. He grilled this poor man in public. That's my best friend for you.

"Okay boo, I will see you tonight for Trinity's birthday dinner" he said while hugging me. I nodded while hugging him back. He left the bakery while I went back to work.

It was hitting 7 o'clock and I was hanging up my apron clocking out. The dinner don't start until 9:30 so I'll have a hour to get ready. "I'm gone Ms. Jones!"

"Okay, sweetie. Have a goodnight and tell Trin I said happy birthday since she had today off" she said while walking out her office.

"Okay. Have a good night" I gave her a hug before leaving out. I got in my car and drove off.
"Surprise!" everyone yelled once we seen Trinity appeared.

"Oh my God! Y'all are some bitches! Thank you!" Trinity said while coming over to everyone to give each individual a hug. Once she got to me, she attacked me with hugs and kisses on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, boo!" I said while laughing at her silliness.

"Thank you, love! You look so beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you"

"Bitch, lie again"

"So you going to forget about me?" Rodney said having his bottom lip poked out. Trin giggled while hugging him to death. They conversed for a little, so it was I went to go to the bathroom. Once I made it to the hallway of the restroom area I accidentally bumped into a tall figure.

"I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" the tall male said while looking down at me. I looked up at him and might I say he was drop dead gorgeous. His light caramel skin, with his perfect, brown eyes. He was just, amazing. Once he looked into my eyes, I was frozen. I didn't know what to do or know what he was going to say.

"I-I gotta go" I walked around him and rushed down the hall to the women's restroom.

"Wait!" he spoke loud enough for me to hear. I turned around and looked at him. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"Candace" I said while walking into the bathroom.
That's all for this chapter.

Candace in MM.

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