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Sorry for the short chapters and late updates I've been busy. I fell down down some steps hitting my head and back, so blame that for my bad writing. Lol! Please vote, comment, and tell your friends! Luv ya all! Read on:)

~Lemonysunset 🍊☁☀☁

Just as I hopped into my first period, the bell rang. A sweet old looking lady hobbled over to my side asking my name. "April Litotes, nice to meet you!" I smiled and she grinned in return. The whole persona was like in a movie. "CLASS!" Gosh I didn't expect that frail lady to be so shrill. "THIS IS APRIL LAFTOAST". A blush hit my cheeks, the warmth filling me with a deep red, "litotes, my last name is litotes." skeptically she tilted her head to the side. Then she shrugged and beckoned me to a line seat in the shadows of the room. As soon as I sat down, two things hit me. The freezing plastic, and an overexcited hyper girl voice.

My head snapped over to her and she smiles hugely, "I'm Judith!" I smiled. "I know you! Hey can I see your schedule?" I chuckled silently, handing her my pink slip. Her eyed skimmed the paper. "Darn, only two classes together, and lunch" she sulked in a frustrated tone. I smiled wide. This was my new Marisa. Maybe things wouldn't be too bad...


I rushed through my classes eager to talk to Judith, whom had told me to call her Jude. The bell rand and I stuffed my things eagerly into my bag, running out the door skidding to a stop. In front of my eyes was Huron high's quarterback. Holy crap, it's Bryce Parker. My jaw drops at his beauty, and I need to shake the image out of my head. I rush away, eager to see Jude but the thought of Bryce in my head.

Finally I opened the door to the cafeteria, skimming the rows of people, in search of Judith. She squealed when her eyes met mine and ran up engulfing me in a hug, sending off fits of giggles. "Omg! Jude, so you know that guy, Bryce Parker? Damn, he's hot! Like literally I doubt it's possible to be so cute! Hey in Mrs. Hollow's class do we have any homework cuz' I seriously spaced out. That Marty dude was REALLY distracting, and Anna kept passing notes to Carly. Oh! God, I almost forgot that we have a test in science, poop I forgot to stud--" I was cut off by a husky deep voice, that was so sexy it dug through my pores. Omg! "Hey babe." I froze. I knew he wasn't talking to me. Was he? I turned my head, seeing this very attracting boy next to some chick. Darn! Jude started cracking up, and I stared at her an eyebrow lifted. "dude don't even think about it. He's not into girls like us." girls like us. What's that mean? Shoot! I said that aloud. She frowned slightly then grinned,"nerdy girls that talk!" I narrowed my eyes taking a big breath ready to talk when in a fit of giggles, Jude said "save it missy. You'll lose your voice." I chuckled softly. The bell pierced my ears and Jude got up handing me a slip of folded notebook paper. She smiled, "text me" I nodded violently heading to my last class.

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