Bus Ride (part 1)

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"Leave me alone! Just because I'm in my bed doesn't mean I'm asleep. Let me sleep, I'm freakin' tired. I-" my mom pulled the warm covers off and cut me off, "well, now that you're talking, get up!"

Groaning loudly I rolled out of bed, trudging slowly to the bathroom.

I splashed the cool water onto my face, feeling the wetness drip down my neck. Ahh the coolness.

I grab the brush pulling it through my hair when a loud jingle suddenly pops up into the air.

Marisa had said, "hey April! Have fun at school, I miss you!" a smile sneaks onto my face, tears pressing my eyes. Oh the warm glory. With a deep satisfaction I sent a looooong reply then shut my phone off.

Getting ready is alright, but not on your first day, oh no! Of course, eye liner extra perfect, mascara thin, but so it shows, outfit must be perfect, I chose a jade sweater and skinny's, and hair, MUST be spectacular!! So, you can tell, that this was going to be stressful, but it's life. And when life hands you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering. Right? Well, it's something like that.

Finally satisfied by the finished product, I made a light twirl so to see every aspect of myself. Good, I'll last. Sucking in air I quickly scurry out to my bus stop, cold air smacking me in the face exactly when I leave the front door. Jeez! It's freezing!

I sit down, one by one new faces gathering around me. And unless you've moved before, then you don't know how this feels. Three girls not counting me and four boys, an equal group, oh, wait, not five girls, oops!

One girl is wearing a white blouse, with black books, and a black skirt.

The next has auburn hair with green eyes, so fierce they burrow into your iris' and literally hypnotist you. Note to self, don't look in her eyes. She's wearing a teal tank top with a grey jacket over it and converses that match her jeans. Black.

The third girl has jet black hair, grey eyes, a black baggy tshirt and grey jeans. Freaky!

And then the girl who was hiding. Her hair is a dirty blonde. Her eyes are an ocean blue, almost pulling you in with it's 'current'. Her skin is a deep brown, like a pancake, and--.

The bus shrieks to a stop, breaking my thoughts.

"Get on."

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