Part 1

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Okay guys most parts will be Levys, so unless it says an alternate POV than assume it is Levys. Also Levys skill level is that of Minerva's in skill level. There is no magic so this is a Real life sort AU (alternate universe)

Dad isn't great. I doubt he'll ever be great. We was great. But not anymore.
He's a grouchy drunk who's never going anywhere.

My mom doesn't do shit. I'm at my local college and my grades are fine. I'm not a straight A student. But I'm not stupid either.

At nighttime, I go out to this place. Where I feel at home.
I'm happy there.

I started storming out of my house.
I heard my mom call me and tell me something but I didn't listen to a damn word she said.
I didn't bother to get my car, as it was blocked into the driveway by the drunkard.

I just walked as fast as I could. It wasn't far, but I did have a lot of stuff in my bag.

When I finally arrived at the bar, and stormed in. I was in a terrible mood, I know that. But that always made me better.....In my field of work. I walked to the counter. The white haired women that was all too familiar.

"Hey Lev, Want in?"

I grumbled a yes and pushed through the bar counter and slid passed Mira.
I jogged down the stairs and into the Ghetto-underground.

I saw a pissed off looking Lucy.
She saw me and I saw her nostrils flare and a fire light in her eyes.
She stomped her happy ass over here and I waited for my lecture.

"You gone' show up late? When you got a fight versus a big-loud-mouth-big-talk-chick and you wanna show up late?! Come on let's go." Lucy yelled in my face. Afterwards she grabbed me and pulled me to a locker room. I stripped my clothes and got into my fight clothes. Lucy wrapped my hands and she shoved my hands into my boxing gloves.

"...gloves?" I looked up at her, i was normally a bare knuckle fighter.

"Rich People. Millianna wants gloves." Lucy groaned.

We were a pretty poor part of town.

I nodded.

"Alright, I'm telling everyone you're ready. Get yourself hyped up..." Lucy paused "...remember who you're fighting for." Lucy walked away.

I shoved my mouth guard in my mouth. And started punching the wall and getting myself angry. I shook my head and took deep breaths.

I heard loud yelling and screaming and clapping.

"Richie rich must'a just come out." I said, not clearly, thanks to the mouth guard in my mouth.

I waited a couple seconds. And got my last yell out and stomped through the cold doors and walked through a crowd of people screaming. I could hear a few boos.
I let that fuel my fire.

I stepped through the ring and stood at my corner. I glared daggers into my opponent. Her tight clothes made me cringe. I scoffed at the "M" stitched into her shirt.

The referee --Old gramps-- waited for a second then grabbed the microphone hanging from the ceiling.

"HERRRREEE WE GOOOO~!!!" The cheering was a thing that nobody ever got used too. It was always loud. But I tuned it out soon after.

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