Chapter 7

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A/N: Thanks for all of the support!  Really.  Honestly, it helps having people always commenting and telling me to hurry up with this.  XD  I hope you've enjoyed this story and this sucky ending (the pace feels a little rushed).  Maybe you'd be so kind as to check out my Namelessshipping fanfiction that should be continued soon.  :)

     Silver wakes up slowly, his body rocking headache replaced with a slightly more bearable one.  His face feels tense from all that crying and retching.  He forces in a deep breath, smelling pancake batter coming from the next room over.  Silver forces himself out of bed.  Now that he thinks about it, though, he doesn't really remember how he even got himself into bed.  In fact, he can't remember anything from last night.  All he remembers is...talking to Gold.

     On wobbly feet, Silver makes his way into his kitchen.  All drowsiness escapes him when he sees someone standing by the stove.  "Gold...?"

     The man whips around, beaming brightly at Silver.  "Silv, you're up!  And just in time, too!  I'm almost done with breakfast."  Silver comes closer to see pancakes, eggs, and bacon.  Who knew he even had all this in his own home?  Silver is pretty sure he hasn't had a decent meal in way too long.  "Why don't you go ahead and sit down?" Gold suggests, breaking Silver out of his thoughts.

     Silver nods, sitting down at his round dining table.  "I didn't know you could cook," he mutters.  Gold doesn't reply.  

     The raven haired man sits down a few seconds later, putting a plate in front of Silver and one in front of himself.  Gold clears his throat.  "I've been very worried about you, y'know.  I wanted to say I'm sorry for forcing you into drinking something."

     Silver blinks several times in shock, turning to look at Gold intensely.  He really doesn't need to cry again.  "Don't be dumb.  It was my fault, after all."

     Gold sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as he smiles at Silver.  "Next time, let's just talk about it, okay?  Communication is important in a relationship."

     Silver chokes on a piece of food.  "R-Relationship?"

     Gold bursts out into a fit of hearty laughter.  After wiping a tear from his eye, Gold says, "You know I love you, right?"

     Silver huffs, just recovering from his coughing fit.  His face feels like it's on fire from the embarrassment.  "Yeah, whatever.  I love you, too."  After a short back-and-forth interview between the two asking all sorts of questions about whether they're alright,  Gold and Silver waste the rest of the morning away talking about all kinds of things.  At some point, they made their way from the dining table to the living room couch, snuggling closely.  Silver is so glad to have Gold.  Really.  Though he'd never say so out loud.  Silver still has a bad habit to break, and he doesn't know when Green will forgive him, and life will just never be perfect.  But with Gold, life is just about as perfect as it'll get.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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