Meeting the bad girl

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I was gettIng dress to go hang out with my girlfriends when I heard the doorbell . I ran downstairs to answer it. When I opened the door I saw that it Katie and Josh. I just smiled and let them in. I saw mom coming downstairs all dressed up and ready to go somewhere. I didn't question her I just let her go through the door. She told me that I was going to get to know Katie.

Katie took a seat in my living room and took out something out her pocket. I saw that it was a cigarette box. I went to her and said " you cannot smoke in here and it's wrong" she replied " oh hon relax your too much of a goody goody you gotta learn to break out like me". She was about to light the cigarette when I grabbed the box and it from her. She said " ok so if I can't smoke I can have watch tv with u" I replied" sure but we have to get to know each other" she just rolled her eyes.

We were watching tv for and hour until I got hungry and went for something to eat. I got some cereal and came back to eat in the sofa.
I asked her " wanna play 20 questions" she said " sure"
" what's your fave junk food?" I asked
"Fave colour?"
"Skye blue"
"Fave show?"
"Pretty little liars"
"Omg mine too"
"Ok getting boring"
"Let's just watch the movie"
" sure"

Then we heard the door open. I got up to see mom and Josh laughing then they kissed. I ran over to the sofa and acted like I saw nothing. Josh came in and said "well hello girls I hope you too were getting along great" we both said"yup" popping the 'P'.

After all that Katie and Josh left I locked up and went upstairs to sleep.
Hey guys! Hope you liked it I wonder what happens next. Remember vote, share and comment.

-- cutipie100

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