Chapter 58: Secret War (9): Counter Gambit

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Silence; the tension that had quietly filled the throne room was so intense that it was almost physically painful. With bated breaths the king and his most elite guards stood prepared but not ready to fight. It was doubtful that they would ever be ready to face against this monster that had singlehandedly charged through the main entrance of the royal castle and yet he appeared to have taken no damage.

The First Prince and Morgana Daltress stood side by side as the first line of defense for the King. Morgana stood as the Minister of defense and Prince Leo stood as the head of the Anti- Phantom Task Force. From Phantom's prospective they almost appeared to be friends at this point with how closely they stood but that was irrelevant now. Since the First Prince was unable to bring along the other heroes due to political circumstances it was likely that he had another ace up his sleeve as evident by his determined expression. Still, in the end how much of a difference would that make? To Phantom who had proven time and time again of his superiority in both physical capability and strategic prowess.

The other key player in this final scene, Tau had also taken the stage with a firm look on his face. He tightened his fists as he prepared himself to go all out if necessary; they would fight with their prides as 'Heroes' on the line.

Phantom took a few more steps.

The fragile silence was broken by the slow and heavy footsteps of his boots against the marble floor. Tapping across, they were a countdown the king's demise that echoed through the throne room. By now it was obvious to everyone that Phantom only slays his intended targets and leave everyone else alive, yet even still the hardened soldiers of Xagontetia couldn't shake of this feeling of dread as he drew ever so closer.

"Phantom! Why have you come?!"

King Lionel Crom shouted across the large throne room at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed angrily and loudly but behind those words was a man cowering in fear. Deep down he knew that no matter how many bodyguards he assembled it would never be enough to seriously contest this monster clad in white.

Phantom continued to slowly advance forward whilst ignoring the king's question.

"Turn back now and I shall consider forgiving your treason!"

The king shouted in vain as Phantom slowly took a few more steps.

"S- stop him! Kill him!"

The king ordered with distinct fear in his trembling voice but just as he was so afraid, everyone else too was frozen in place. It wasn't that the king couldn't understand why his men were hesitating to fight against such an awesome presence but it would not do for his most loyal and elite soldiers to be cowering like this. However as though to oppose the gentle footsteps of the leather shoes that counted down the king's life a pair of heavy metallic clangs strode in the king's defense.

A lone soldier stood before Phantom to heed the king's request; Supreme Commander of the Royal Knight Commission, Vladimir Zandora. Phantom had been warned of his skills by Del Granate, being able to rival even the strength of hero-class warriors, yet that was still not enough power to even start being considered a threat to Phantom's might.

Vladimir Zandora decisively drew his sword, putting forth the willingness to even give his life away if necessary. With the Commander's blade now pointed towards Phantom the fight had already begun. With his entire pride as the supreme commander weighing on his blade Vladimir drew a little closer to the ever advancing Phantom.

"I cannot allow you to proceed any further Phantom. I shall be your opponent."

Phantom kept quiet but started to speed up a little forcing Vladimir to engage with full force. He dashed towards Phantom whilst putting all his weight into a single swing; the commander launched the first attack. Time had slowed down around the area that the two warriors were briefly locked in battle, with Commander Vladimir's sword arcing its way down towards Phantom's torso and Phantom preparing a counter attack.

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