Chapter 23: Some people have to work for a living, I'm just here for fun

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After spending an entire night cleaning up, the mansion had become almost as good as new. Most of the damages and cracks around the mansion were easily repaired through Mordred's magic. Even the fountain in the front garden was restored to functional order, giving the place a nice 'homey' aura.

Afterwards each room was prepared and fixed for the residents, with Mordred and Morgana each receiving an extra study room for their work. Rena, Yda and Grimal were also formally admitted as maids and butlers on the register and their work had finally started. Rena continued to work through the morning sprucing up the place while humming a tune in her maid wear that she happily wore.

The perimeter fences were also fixed with small, flying orbs; sentries, patrolling around the perimeter looking out for intruders. The sentries would attack anyone and if any one of them was destroyed or the intruder got too close to the house the alarms were set to go off. When the alarms rang the multilayered automated defense systems would become active.

The first layer comprised of hidden magically charged auto turrets that locked on and shot the intruders. The second layer activating meant that the ten siege golems hidden as statues would wake up to attack. While simplistic in their movements and patterns, a single siege golem was capable of conquering a heavily guarded fortress by itself. If the intruders were somehow able to get past them then they would be met with the next layer which was deadly neurotoxin and cluster mines.

On the off chance that they got through all of that then they would be faced with an impenetrable repulsion field that could only be turned off from within, meaning that it was useless from the start. However, even after all that if they somehow managed to get through then it would mean that the house was already abandoned at that point and the self-destruction sequence would come online and start a countdown from ten, but the detonation would go off after three seconds instead of ten.

All of these traps were created through Mordred's [alchemy] skill subsection, with all the materials having been harvested beforehand from [Hellgana].

"Then, I'll leave the care of the house to you Rena."

Mordred said as she was preparing to leave. Rena was also given a [communication medal], of the same variety as Irina's just in case of emergency. Though he had serious doubts that there would be any kind of emergency when the security of this little mansion far exceed even that of the royal castles.

"Yes, please have a safe trip."

Almost as though it was a wife seeing her husband leave for work Rena bid him farewell with a smile. Mordred smiled and gave a non-verbal wave back as he left the house in his unremarkable suit of armor.


It did not escape Mordred, the thought that there was some kind of underground organization that was subtly shifting the events taking place in this city. Of course until he had done more research into them he couldn't say he had conclusive proof of their existence but often times in such fantasy stories there usually were one or two. For this reason it was much safer to move while assuming they existed and were watching out for him.

Another reason as to why Mordred wanted to join the Xagontetian Military was because he wanted to replace the war minister with someone he could trust and manipulate. Because there was the possibility that the current war minister was working for an unknown organization it was simply safer to replace him. Having done some prior research Mordred had easily obtained the information that the current War minister was a duke named 'Pierre Granate'. He also served as the king's aide which would especially dangerous if he really was affiliated with an unknown underground organization.

Approaching the government sector of the city Mordred easily found the recruitment building. As the gate guard had said it wasn't hard to distinguish from, especially with all sorts of recruitment posters plastered all over it. There was actually a rather long line waiting to be processed and recruited into the military.

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