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One Week Later

Today is the day that we are gonna arrive in Denver, Colorado where all the WWE Stars meet up for Monday Night Raw tomorrow. And I'm so excited to finally see Dolph for the first time in what seems like forever, although it's been a week.

"Axy. What's going on? You seem excited." Paige says to me.

"Because I am."


"You'll find out later."


* * *

I finally get to the hotel after hours of being on the bus.

I grabbed my luggage and just ignored everyone else and dialed Dolph's number, after I got to my hotel room.

"Hey babe." He answered.

"Hey. I'm at the hotel, what's your room number?" I ask.


"Alright be there soon." I hang up and rush down to his room. I had to take the elevator, because, I was on the 5th floor of the hotel.

I kept repeating his room number over and over again, until I found it.

And me being me. I just walked right in and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What?!" I scream. "Why?!"

"Baby. It's not what it looks like." Dolph explains to me.

"Really? Because it looks like you were just making out with Summer Rae."


"Don't even bother. I can't believe I actually fell in love with you. And I waited one whole week to see you again, and this is what I see! You know what?! We're over!" I walked away, and started to cry. "I can't believe you." I mutter.

I go back to my hotel room and just lose myself.

Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door.

I get up and open it, and it reveals Nattie, Paige and Emma. My 3 best friends.

"Axy. What's wrong?" Nattie asked me, in a worried tone. Then she pulled me in for a hug.

"He. He cheated on me." I stuttered.

"Who cheated on you?"


"You two were a couple?"


"How long?"

"Almost 2 weeks."

"And he cheated on you already?"

"Yeah. With Summer Rae."

"That is messed up."


"What is wrong with you?" I ask Summer Rae. "You messed up my relationship with Galaxy and now, because of you, were no longer in a relationship."

"But-." I cut her off.

"Go, just leave." She left and I just laid in my bed. Motionless.

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