Fifty Four

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That night, we were in the arena, I wore the same ring gear as I did every match I had against people.

I had a non title match against Sasha Banks. Should be good because I don't lose my title at all.

* * *

Tonight had been a year since I have won the Women's Championship title and I didn't plan on losing it for a long time. I had already beaten the reign of AJ Lee for holding the Diva's Title. She had 295 days, I've had 365 days.

* * *

My new theme entrance echoed throughout the arena as I did my new signature 'top of the ramp' move and had my title around my waist. I, then, stood there and looked around at the new record breaking audience of 114 thousand people staring at me. I had a microphone in hand also.

"Please welcome to the ring, your Women's Champion, Clara Ziggler." Lillian Garcia said as I walked up the stairs of the ring and went below the top rope.

"Yo guys. Welcome to WrestleMania 33 here in Miami, Florida. What is up?!" I said filled with excitement as the crowd roared with cheer. "So, as you all know, it's been a year since I have held the Women's Championship title. I won it last year from Charlotte when it was the Diva's Title turning into the title around my waist. The title that is not around Charlotte's waist, and what I hold happily, the Women's Championship. I already beat AJ Lee's Diva's Title reign of 295, and now I am the longest reigning Women's Champion in history of the WWE Diva's. And I'm sorry, but not to smack talk about Charlotte more but, she doesn't deserve this around her waist. She is an embarrassment to WWE history, ever since little NXT Diva, Dana Brooke came along and Charlotte disowned her father like he was nothing. Poor Ric Flair. I wonder what was going through his mind when Charlotte was being the bitch she is, and yes, I'm sorry, I used fowl language, but it's true, am I right?!" The crowd cheered. "And don't even get me started on Dana Brooke. She is also an embarrassment to the WWE, she is what caused Charlotte to disown her father and then be on her side. I bet one day, Dana Brooke is gonna turn on Charlotte just because she wants to get in the spotlight and be my next rival, so she can make her way to this title from me. And to see her backstage, while I snuck around and hear her flirting with my husband, Dolph Ziggler. Um. Back off Honey Boo Boo, he is mine, he loves me and he married me for a lot of reasons and your not one of them. Now, enough said, bring out the Legit Boss!" I screamed into the mic.

* * *

I had Sasha in the corner of the ring, me standing on the second rope, while she stood on the canvas and I delivered punches to her before the ref forced me off.

I was in control of this match. I am always in control when it comes to the best.

Sasha came running towards me but I got her with a Clothesline and she fell, but got straight back up and it repeated for like another 15 seconds until I Drop Kicked her right in her face.

I got back up and she was still down. I was preparing for my signature move, Clara Era.

I shouted to the crowd.

"It's Clara's Era time!!" I say before I hit my move.

"Hell yeah!!" The crowd shouted back.

Then I knocked her down with the Super Kick and put her in a submission lock.

"Tap! Tap! TAP!" I screamed at Sasha.

She started to tap. The bell rang.

"And your winner by submission, Clara Ziggler." The ref handed me my title and raised my hand up in the air while I raised my other hand with my title in it.

I still remain undefeated.

Forever & Alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن