Chapter 14: 6 Months So Far

Start from the beginning

His tongue softly swept over my bottom lip, pleading for entrance. I smiled, but I let him in. Soon his hands flew to the side of my neck, his fingers barely touching my jaw yet guiding it all too well. His head moved to the side to get closer to me, his pink lips messing with mine.

I pushed myself onto further, begging to get closer, and just when I thought I could turn my head and kiss him harder, a little, innocent voice spoke.

'Daddy?' it asked.

His hands left my waist very quickly, his body shifted as he spun on his heels to meet his little son clutching a teddy bear under one arm. I raced to cover up my nearly naked body, and only managed to cover up my upper body with my shirt, so I tried to stand behind Michael.

'Hey buddy.' Michael breathed out, the taste of my strawberry lips probably still seated on his lips as he licked them twice. 'What are you doing up so early?'

'I heard a loud noise.' He murmured. Michaels eyes shot to me. I shook my head in defence to signal that it most definitely wasn't me nor him, we stayed pretty quiet. His head slowly travelled back to Joe and soon he asked;

'What did the noise sound like?'

'Like a lid of a toy box being closed loudly.' He murmured, mispronouncing 'being' as 'bean' which I found adorable.

Michael stayed quiet, trying to figure this situation out.

'Must've been the neighbours getting out the trash or something.' I spoke up, and Michael nodded while going over to lift up his little son and carry him back closer to me, 'Must have been.'

I kissed little joe on his squishy cheek as a giggle left his little mouth, his eyes shining that very known spark.

'Morning' I whispered.

'Morning, Poppy.' He grinned back.

Michael then took Joe up to the bathroom to help him shower and wash his teeth properly and then change into his clothes, then carried him downstairs to eat the breakfast I had prepared and soon drove him off to school.

He came back pretty soon, and in no time we were cuddled up on the sofa, watching pointless cartoons and drinking hot drinks. I laid between his legs on my back as one of his hands held the warm cup and the other played with my hair. I felt like home. With him, I mean. He felt like home. The warmth of the blankets added comfort to his presence, and from one of his cups. my drink tasted better, with his touch on my hair I felt calmer, it all felt better.
I felt peaceful, I could close my eyes and drift off, but I wouldn't want to lose the time and waste the moment, I wanted to make it last.
But apparently the rest of the world didn't.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and when I reached for it I saw my mums contact name light up, with  a text attached that read; "can you come home soon?"

I replied with "Why???" and shoved the phone back into my pocket, trying to purposely save the moment.

'what do you mean "Why?", she wants you to come home.' He slowly spoke, his eyes closed. I let out a deep sigh and gave up with the idea of keeping the moment. I lifted my body upright and placed my hot drink onto the glass coffee table, before turning around and laying on his chest, my chin down on it to keep my head up as I stared up to his sleepy self.

'I don't want to go.' I whispered gently. I didn't. I really, really didn't. I was pretty sure I loved him too much. Just slightly too much.

He smiled, even though his eyes were still closed, and his hand found its way to my cheek. He opened his eyes and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, smiled and kept staring.

After a few seconds I lifted myself and brought my body higher so I could position myself in a way that allowed me to kiss him, and when I could, I did just that.

He smiled during the kiss, his eyes being pushed up by his cheeks so when I pulled away I could see the sparkle in his eye. I brought my face to his once again, this time only to let our noses touch the slightest.

'You're so cute.' He whispered, and moved his lips to kiss my nose and be back where he was.

'You t-' I began, but was interrupted by my phone buzzing.
I leapt up from him and sat on my knees, checking the phone and replying that I'd be home soon.

He sighed and then got up. He picked up his cup and drank what was left, regretting the decision when he began fanning his tongue.

'Too hot?' I chuckled, bumping him gently with my hand before standing up and going to fetch my shoes.

'shut up.' He murmured. I plumped myself down next to him and began putting my white converse on.

Soon he found his own shoes and sat back next to me. I sat straight up and looked at him, puzzled.

'What are you doing?' I asked, watching at he put his own black converse on.

'Well, I'm going to drive you, aren't I?' he shrugged and carried on.

'We didn't agree on that. I can get a taxi.' I insisted, already lifting my tired body off of the couch and walking slowly towards where my coat lay, spread out on the back of a chair.

'oh come on, let your boyfriend drive you home, we'd have a little more time to ourselves.' He pleaded at the same time I smirked.
I span on my heels.

'Doesn't my boyfriend have a son to pick up from school and drive go to a doctor appointment?' I questioned with a smirk on my lips as I saw his face fill with panic.

'Shit.' He spat as he rushed to get his coat too. 'Shit, shit, shit.' He murmured as he rushed me out the door and grabbed his keys that laid on his coffee table.

He put his hand in the small of my back and basically pushed me outdoors.

'Be gentle.' I said sarcastically as I walked to the car quickly.

'Right, right. Whatever.' He mumbled as he locked the door to the house and rushed to the car. He ripped the car door open and threw himself inside, interlocking the car keys and starting the engine.

Throughout the whole ride he rushed the car furiously fast, at time I felt the need to clutch onto something. I didn't, but I felt the need to.

It only took a couple of turns and red lights before my house appeared in our view.

'I'll call you when ill need you over. Which will be pretty soon. If you can, that is.' He said before he grabbed my face and pressed his lips harshly to mine. He parted my lips easily and turned the small kiss into a make out session in his car, that was parked outside my house.

'I hadn't told my parents yet.' I giggled as his hands kept grabbing at my face and kept kissing me.

After a few more moment of kissing, which I didn't want to stop, he pulled away.

'it's not like this is the last time I'm going to see you.' I joked. He smiled in return.

'You never know. Bye, I love you.' He whispered as I made my way out of the car, whispering a small, 'I love you too' along my way.

I turned around, ready to carry on walking towards my front door when I heard his car window roll down and hear him shout, 'HAPPY SIXTH MONTH ANNIVERSARY!' Out the window.

I span on my heels and with wide eyes, as watching him turn the steering wheel in order to reverse properly, shouted back, 'I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING!' Which was quickly followed by, 'I LOVE YOU, IDIOT!'

And then, with a small grin plastered on my face and my hands on my pockets, I walked closer to my home, keeping the thought of him deeply in my mind.

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