Chapter 3: ..Michael...

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It was a little bit awkward. He was rushing everywhere and couldn't even bother telling me his name. But I guess that wasn't important. Its little joe I should be caring about, that's my job after all.

I clenched onto my bag even tighter and started shuffling towards the gigantic, white stairs.

What was that he said where Joe's room was? Was It first to the right or left? God, already fucking shit up.
Okay, just.. walk straight up the stairs and...uh, just pick a side.

I took a deep breath and started
walking up the stairs. I picked to go to the left from the stairs and knocked on the door slowly and quietly. My bottom lip was between my teeth and I was getting nervous already. What if the kid doesn't like me? What if his dad doesn't either?

Then the door swung open and there before me stood a little boy in blue pyjamas with a huge smile on his face. I immediately smiled back.

'Hi Little dude.' I said, still staring at his little white teeth and sparkling eyes.

'Hi!' he exclaimed, all happy and
excited. 'I'm Joe.' He said, his hand stretching in front of him.

'I'm Poppy.' I took his hand and shook it. He then dragged my hand inside his room and I had a good look.

His room was nearly bigger than mine, all nice blue and white and green toys everywhere.

I got on my knees to be closer to his height.

'Well then, joe. What do you want to do?' I asked, smiling wildly as I loved this little guy already. Such a friendly soul and a nice smile. I wondered who his mother was.

'I was waiting for you all day. I have toys prepared. Look over here!' he then lead me to all his different variety of toys and introduced me to every single one.

Two hours in, I was settled and used to playing with joe. He wasn't a problem at all and I was able to call myself lucky to have him instead of a snotty, spoiled six year old that cried at every corner.

'I'm getting kind of tired. But I don't want you to go yet.' He said in a sleepy voice. His eyes were practically closing and he had to fight to keep them half open.

'I know. I don't either but your daddy won't be happy if I don't put you to bed. Come on, let's go wash your teeth shall we?' I asked, not lying.

When he was washing his teeth on his little stool near the sink I had time to go back into his room and clean up all the toys from the floor. I remembered where most of them go so I tried putting them back there.

I heard the front door open and shut, followed by a rustle of something like plastic bags full of shopping. I guessed his dad was back, which I still didn't even know the name of.

I carried on tiding Joe's room but I jumped when suddenly the door to his room bust open and there stood his dad.

I breathed out a sigh and tried to calm down from the fright.

'Sorry. I was just checking everything is alright.'  He breathed out, not looking sorry at all.

'Just washing his teeth. He's really tired after we played an awful lot.' I smiled, hoping he wouldn't hate me.

'God. Thank you. I can put him to bed. You can go downstairs and just sit on the couch and wait for me.' He finally forced a smile. He then went over to joe's joined bathroom and I heard joe scream and hug him.

I took my coat and my bag from joe's dresser and went downstairs. I really didn't see a point in staying and waiting for him. I can just leave and he can pay me at the end of the week or month. I kind of felt sorry for him for being so stressed all the time.

I leaned my back against one of the walls and waited for him to get down. I started wondering why it was always just him here with Joe. I wondered where his mother was. Was she dead? Did she just leave? I decided it was probably a heavy topic for both of them and should just leave it.

I pushed the hair out of my face behind my ears and waited again.

'I was in such a rush today.' He said and I jumped. I didn't hear him walking down the stairs, I stopped leaning on the wall and started facing him. I smiled because I saw that as the only thing I could do.

'I've never done that before.' He shrugged.

'What, never hired a babysitter?' He shook his head. I nodded while saying, 'I guess it can be pretty scary actually. I don't blame you.'

He looked as if he wanted to say something but he stopped. Instead, he said, 'You fancy some tea or coffee?'
I was surprised because I thought I was just about to leave.

'Wasn't I suppose to go after he goes to bed?' I asked, puzzled a little.

'Well maybe but I thought you'd stay a little so I can get to know you. You know, just in case you're a serial killer.' He chuckled and I finally got to see him smile. He had an amazing one and his eyes sparkled just like Joe's.

'Do you have to be somewhere?' he asked again, noticing my coat being already on and my bag closed ready to go.

'Not really but my mum will be wondering why it took me so long.' I shrugged and smiled, kind of begging to see him smile again too.

'I don't think you even know my name, do you?' he smiled wider this time, shaking his head in disbelief of how lost he got while being so stressed all day.

I shook my head and bit my lip to stop smiling. I wouldn't mind staying but my mum would go mad and call the police that I've been murdered.

'well then. You fancy some ice-cream tomorrow? Joe has lessons on Wednesdays.' We asked, biting his lip and scrunching up his face in fear of me rejecting him.

'Ice-cream sounds good.' I smiled. He quickly went to fetch some paper and wrote his number on there with his name. He handed it to me and I smirked when reading it.

'..Michael...' I said, quietly.

'Right.' He whispered with a small smirk of his own.

'See you tomorrow then.' I smiled, and within a few seconds I turned around and was out the door.

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