P A R T 12

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-Skys Pov-

Oh I hope Ty is alright! I know Seto told me not to worry but How can I not, most people die from surgery! I keep on walking back and forth in front of the door waiting 'patiently' for Seto to be done.

You worry to much

And you worry to little

Why are you even worry about this human?

Oh I don't know Dad maybe cause he makes me feel happy? Something you havent felt since you left us!


Actually know I don't you never told me why

Oh you are correct my apologize

I then heard a door swing open, I turn around to see Seto walk out.

"So how is he?"

"He should be fine I managed to fix both his eyes, he just can't expose them to the light for a week. Till then I am trusting you to keep his bandages clean and change them every afternoon."

"Sure thing mister sappy mouth." I then run into the room Ty was in and see him fast asleep on the bed bandages over his eyes. I pull a chair over besides the bed and look over him, he wasn't that bad. I just wish he told me why I don't remember him, even due he said I might be confused I would trust him.

"Who's there!" I jolted awake from my thoughts at looked at Ty who was covering hikself with the blanket. I quickly gave Ty a hug to try and calm him down, that's what friends are for.

"Shhhhh it's ok it's Sky."

"S-Sky, why can't I see it's scaring me..." he was shaking from how he felt. Oh I hate to see him like this, breaks my heart.

"When you fell asleep, Seto did the surgery but he used medication so that you didn't feel it" I said as Ty buried his face into my chest.

"I hate the dark, brings back bad memories..." He had a little probelm breathing after he said that. I hugged him softly, swaying him back and forth, so that he knew he was safe with me.

-??? Pov-

I can't believe I have to do this crap! I knos what will happen if I don't but it seems like a mislay human, what would Master have any use to him?!?! I sometimes question my Master Insanity when ever he tortured me to do stupid stuff for him, I flew down from the tower ketting my wings extract back into me as It was soon covered by my ragged brown cloak. Well I can not disobey master, if it's the last thing I do I will get him!

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