Authors note

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Eep! It's been a week! I'm sorry! I can't update now (Because it's late and I'm on my iPod) or tomorrow due to skating (I figure skate for the first time this season!!) and a party (Don't worry, I don't drink.)but I will update on Monday or Sunday.... Hopefully. If I dont, you have all the right to come chase me down with pitch forks. (no shovels, shovels are my thing)

So basically, that's it. We could talk about Percy Jackson....

I'm obsessed. Im like, in love. He's just.... Perfect. He's the kind of guy I want to marry. Perhaps one who doesn't almost get killed every ten feet..... But the personality is exactly what I want.

Here I go, talking about my love life. Meh, you're CHOOSING to read this. As long as you read (And like) the story parts I'm happy.

I have mint vanilla lip chap and it smells weird.....


Well, this is getting boring so...


~I'll-Take-A-Shovel-After-You-Angel :)

Jinx Not-So-MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now