A Beginning of a Revolution

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My eyes snapped open as Frisk shook me awake. I had been hit in the head by something and knocked out, "Asriel! Wake up! We need to get home! If it's still there." She said, "How long was I out?!" I asked, "15 minutes." "We need to go." I jerked myself up and ran across the woods. The city lights shone in the distance, "Were almost there!" I yelled. What were we going to do if our family and friends were there? What were we going to do if they weren't. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head as we ran trying to avoid anything that would kill us. I didn't know it then, but it was going to be a long time before we called someplace "Home" Again. We ran into the city, people were screaming and crying from crumbled buildings and missing family members. I hated to see this destruction but we couldn't do anything about it. Awesome. I thought. We're probably gonna die because of me. I should have never came here and Chara wouldn't be after us. I trudged along Frisk with these thoughts in my head. I tripped over large stones and fell cutting my hands from the broken glass crunching under me. I barley flinched since I've been through so much pain lately. This was nothing,"Get up Asriel! We have no time for this!" Frisk tried to pull me up but I refused to move, "Just go on without me.. I think I'll lay here a while..." I put my head down and closed my eyes, hoping she'd let me lie down. But of course Frisk gets what she wants with me, "If you don't get up I swear to god I will carry you." She threatened. I groaned and stood up trying to walk again. Blood dripped from my hands staining the ground but I had to get to my family. I barley even knew where we are when we found the street our family lived on, "Oh. My god." I covered my mouth with my hands and stared at the ruble and debris of the street, "This can't be happening." I mumbled to myself. Frisk grabbed my arm, "We have to go and find the survivors!" She said pulling me towards the fire and fallen trees with boulders from Mt Ebott lodged in them. My eyes scanned the area for movement. When I thought there was no hope it finally happened.
Someone was moaning in pain. It wasn't the best thing to here but it showed signs of life, "Over there." I said pointing to the ruins of a house. We ran over piles of rock to the sound of the person. It felt like a rock dropped into my stomach when I realized where the sound was coming from. My mother was trying to pull my dad out from under a rock. His leg was stuck, "Mom! I'll help!" I yelled. She turned her head and stared at us, she looked like she'd been crying, "Oh my children thank god you're alive!" She said, "I need you to help me!" She looked down at Asgore, there was no way we could lift a stone that big. He might as well be stuck. "Where's Undyne! She can help!" Frisk said scanning the ruble. She called her name. Every thing was silent then I heard a muffled, "Ngaaaaahhh!!" A rock 50 yards away started to move, "There she is. You make want to take cover." Frisk said and pulled me behind a rock. The rock cracked a little and then exploded, "I am okay!" Undyne poked her head out from the debris. Tiny pieces of the rock flew everywhere hurting Asgore in the head. We all stared at Undyne as she summoned a magic blue spear lathering it in a magic spear repair substance. Its cracks disappeared almost immediately. She looked at Asgore, "Lay still." He nodded and Undyne raised her spear above her head bringing it down into the rock. Just like earlier it cracked but didn't shatter. Undyne smashed it with her fist just because she wanted to show off. Asgore stood up and shook Undynes hand, "Thank you Undyne." He turned to us, "Now let's gather everyone else and find out what's going on." He said and turned towards Alphys Laboratories. I noticed Frisk glance at me, "We'll explain later Frisk. Until then we need to find Papyrus and Alphys. Come on." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. Instead of moving she put her head into my chest and took a deep breath through her nose and out again. She stood on her toes and put her hands to her chest raising her head up and fit her mouth to mine. I put my hands on her hips and dragged them up her sides. Asgore and Toriel were staring at us then Undyne ran over, "You can have your make out session later. We need to go
before something else happens here-" She stopped, "L-like that." She pointed. I turned my head to see a bigger rock than the one that hit the street falling at us quickly. The Frisk shrieked and spun on her heal so her back was facing me and I followed her movements. We sprinted so fast my lungs hurt and felt like they would burst open. The rock crashed behind me missing me by inches. It crashed into the ground sending me flying twenty feet in the air. I started spinning while I was airborne. Frisk and the others made it
far enough the were only flung into the ground. Instead I crashed towards the ground so fast I couldn't breath. I fell into a tree threatening to fall. The branches cracked and cut my arms, legs, face and tore at my clothes. In the final branch my legs were spread apart so I let out a high pitched scream as it hit me in between my legs. I nearly passed out from the pain. My back smacked against the concrete. Frisk ran up to me, "Oh my god Asriel! Are you okay?!" She tried to help me up, I squeaked out a small and high pitched, "Yes." She stared at me and snorted, "Okay come on Asriella. We need to go." She said. I stood up and waddled to Alphys.
When we got there the doors were locked. Undyne knocked on the door... Pounded on the door, Alphys let us in." I heard shuffling and the door slid open. Alphys looked like a mess, "I've been up all night researching serums and injections in case something like this happened and it did the very next day." She waved us to come in and we did. Inside the air was much cooler and there wasn't any natural lighting so it felt eerie, "So..." I tried to start a conversation through the silence. All I could heard was the patting of the blue tiles under my feet, "What are we planning on doing." I said. Alphys looked at me, "The best thing to do is get everyone together and we've seemed to do that... other than Papyrus." "I'll call him." Frisk pulled her phone from her pocket. We waited a few seconds for the phone to ring then papyrus sprung through the door. "I came as soon as I got the call!" He said breathing heavily. We all stared at him wondering how the hell he got here within seconds of the call. Frisk hung up her phone and put it in her pocket, "Okay." She said, "Everyone's here. Now what." We all locked around at each other for ideas, "Okay first we need to find out what's happening." Asgore said. I looked at Frisk and nodded, "It's Chara." Frisk said. Everyone gasped and turned to us, "Chara?!" Everyone said in unison, "How?" Toriel asked, "We don't know but we think it has something to do with us coming to the surface." I said, "There was a battle between Chara and I. That's how I got this scar." I turned around so my back faced everyone and lifted up my shirt. There was a scar in my fur. Frisk walked up next to me and brushed her fingertips against it, "Why didn't you tell me you got a scar from that knife?!" She said quietly, "Didn't want you hunting Chara down." I let my shirt fall again and turned back around. Toriel was fanning her face. I thought back to the fight with Chara that seemed like years ago but it really was about 6 months. I sat down at a table and squeezed the bridge of my nose to relive pressure. If I thought about this to hard I'd get a nose bleed. I grunted and relaxed. Frisk sat next to me and everyone else piled around the table, "So what I'm getting from this," Asgore said. "You had a fight with your sister," the thought of her being my sister sickened me, "and when you came to the surface after a few months she wants to destroy everything?" We looked around at each others then me and Frisk nodded, "How do we plan to stop it?" Toriel asked. Frisk looked up in disbelief, "Us?! No no no. We can't defeat Chara!" She stopped to think, "But we are the only ones that know her well enough to hurt her." She pressed her palm to her forehead and wiped the sweat from it, "I can't believe we're thinking about this." She sighed and slumped down in the smooth wooden chair, "We could be the only ones." Papyrus who has been quiet said. Undyne looked at him and nodded, "We are the only ones who know enough about Chara to beat her." She slammed a spear into the ground, "I'll fix that." She said, "If we are going to find a way to beat Chara we'll need a bigger army than this." I said, "We'll need to gather all of Frisk's friends." Frisk nodded and stood up. "But how will we get them all together alone?" She asked. Alphys eyes lit up, "I got this!" She said excitedly. She ran over to this giant computer. It had to at least  10 by 10 feet big. She rapidly typed in codes that were to fast to read. When she was finished she hit a send button and a ring filled the air. She looked at us proudly, "I just sent a message to all the monsters Frisk met underground. They should get it within a day." She walked away from the computer and grabbed this pink drink with whipped cream on top of it, if I remember it correctly it was called Stairfait, "Awesome." I said. I felt like Frisk now. Were we really about to do this? The answer was yes, yes we were going to try to win a battle against my sister. No my enemy. I could never call Chara my sister again. Not after I've seen what she's done.
Alphys let us stay in spare rooms until we needed to leave. The who whole night I held Frisk as close as I could. I was afraid if I let her go she would disappear or be at the feet of Chara. I wondered what she was doing right now. Destroying more of the city? Trying to find us? I didn't know.
I stayed up thinking about all this but I eventually dozed of and fell asleep. While I was sleeping I had a dream about Chara destroying the city. Me and Frisk were the only survivors and we walked over the rubble and bodies from the attack.
I woke with a start when Frisk was shaking me the next morning, she looked like she was worried about something. Maybe scared? "Asriel! Wake up! Somethings wrong."

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